Select data from sap tables RFPD

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Display SAP table details

RFPDC_ADD - PDC: Additional Data for Display

RFPDC_ALV - PDC: ALV Structure for Displaying Postdated Checks (Monitor)

RFPDC_ALV_STYLE - PDC: ALV Structure with Style Table

RFPDC_BAB - PDC: Structure for Bounced Postdated Checks

RFPDC_BAB_POSTDATA - PDC: Posting Data for Bounced Postdated Checks

RFPDC_CAB - PDC: Structure for Check Encashment

RFPDC_CAB_POSTDATA - PDC: Posting Data for Check Deposit

RFPDC_CHANGE - PDC: Change of a Postdated Check

RFPDC_CHANGEABLE - PDC: Modifiable Fields of a Postdated Check

RFPDC_CUST - PDC: Customer Fields

RFPDC_INS - PDC: All Fields for Creating a Postdated Check

RFPDC_INS_STD - PDC: Standard Fields for Creating a Postdated Check

RFPDC_KEY - PDC: Key of a Postdated Check

RFPDC_OPBEL - PDC: Posting Data with Document Numbers


RFPDC_PTV - PDC: Data for Transferring a Postdated Check

RFPDC_PTV_POSTDATA - PDC: Posting Data for Transfer

RFPDC_REV - PDC: Reversal of a Postdated Check

RFPDC_REV_UI - PDC: Dialog Fields for Reversal Processes

RFPDC_SCR - PDC: Structure for Dialog Display

RFPDC_SCR_S - PDC: Structure for Dialog Display (Status Changes)

RFPDC_SCR_V - PDC: Structure for Dialog Display (Versions)

RFPDC_SEL - PDC: Fields for Selection

RFPDC_STB - PDC: Structure for Check Deposit

RFPDC_STB_POSTDATA - PDC: Posting Data for Check Deposit

RFPDC_UI - PDC: Help Fields for Screen Output

RFPDO - Include the Report-Specific Parameter Documentation

RFPDO1 - Include the Program-Specific Parameter Documentation

RFPDO1_EN - Report specfic components

RFPDO2 - Include the program-specific parameter documentation FI

RFPDO3 - Include the Program-Specific Parameter Documentation

RFPDO5 - Program-Specific Parameter Documentation

RFPDO_ARCH - Repository for Archiving Parameter Documentation

RFPDO_BF - Report-specific parameter document: Transfer of bank data

RFPDO_DTIN - Obsolete. No longer use. See table DTINP

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