Select data from sap tables RFRR

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Display SAP table details

RFRR - Accounting data - A/R and A/P information system

RFRRCAT - Name of a catalog entry in table RFRR

RFRRD01 - Fields for Report RFDRRE01

RFRRD02 - Fields for Report RFDRRE02

RFRRD03 - Fields for Report RFDRRE03

RFRRD04 - Fields for Report RFDRRE04

RFRRD05 - Fields for report RFDRRI05

RFRRD06 - Table for RFDRRE06

RFRRD10 - Display balances

RFRRD20 - Line item analysis

RFRRK01 - Fields for report RFKRRE01

RFRRK03 - Fields for report RFKRRE03

RFRRK04 - Fields for report RFKRRE04

RFRRK10 - Display balances

RFRRK20 - Line item analysis

RFRRKEY - Key definition of RR data in table RFRR

RFRRS01 - Financial Statement Analysis

RFRRS02 - Financial Statement Key Figures

RFRRS10 - Balance display

RFRRS51 - Financial statements analysis from cost of sales ledger

RFRRS52 - Key figures for cost of sales ledger

RFRRX01 - Structure for data transfer in interactive FI reporting

RFRRX02 - Screen fields for messages to SAP Office

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