Select data from sap tables BOM_T

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Display SAP table details

BOM_TRANS - Convert bills of material

BOM_TREX - Change Pointer for BOM TREX Search

BOM_TY_AMDP_VCH_MBOM_ITEMS - Structure for Valid Items and VC Items in BOM AMDP

BOM_TY_AMDP_VCH_MBOM_ITEM_ATTR - Strucutre for BOM AMDP Variant Configuration Changed for BOM

BOM_TY_NEW_PROD_VERSION - Structure for new production version

BOM_TY_PRODVER_DATCS_ENTRIES - Structure for production version migration date customizing

BOM_TY_PRODVER_MAST_ENTRIES - Structure for production version migration mast entries

BOM_TY_PRODVER_MATPL_ENTRIES - Structure for production version migration mat plant entry

BOM_TY_PRODVER_MKAL_ENTRIES - Structure for production version migration mkal entries

BOM_TY_PROD_VERSION_OUT - Output structure for new production versions

BOM_TY_PROD_VERSION_OUT_MIG - Output structure for new production versions

BOM_TY_VALIDITY_CALC_INP - Structure for BOM Validity calculation

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