Select data from sap tables GMD

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Display SAP table details

GMD00 - Table for Transferring Master Data Values Without Text

GMD01 - Occupancy of Value Tables Tnn and Value Combination

GMD02 - Transfer Values for Creating Combinations

GMD03 - Transfer Table for Function Group LGUMD

GMD04 - Transfer Values for a Field for Field Validation

GMDATERANGE - Structure for list of from / to dates

GMDATESTAMP - Date and Time Stamp

GMDATETOOL - Date maintenance tool

GMDEFARCHIVE - Define Archiving Settings for GM

GMDERIVE - Grants Management Derivation Structure

GMDEVAD01ATTRI - Additional characteristics for Grants Mgmt.

GMDEVAD01ATTRI0 - Characteristics for Grants Mgmt.

GMDTT - Master Data Transfer with Texts


GMDT_ASSIGNMENTS_FMRE - GM Objects Assignment for EF

GMDT_ASSIGNMENTS_PO - GM Sponsored Objects Assignment for PO

GMDT_FMRE_FIELDS - Fields used to derive GM Account Assignment for EF

GMDT_PO_FIELDS - Fields used to derive GM Sponsored Objects for PO/SES

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