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Display SAP table details

GORADBAHIST - Shared Cursor Cache DBA History

GORADETAILPAR_DBC - Parameter for display of details of a stement

GORASAREA_A - RAC: Structure for 'Statistics Cursor Cache' Field Catalog

GORASESSION - Target Structure for Oracle Session (Join of 5 V$ Tables)

GORASESSION_DBC - Basis List 'Oracle Session' Structure for the ALV

GORASESSION_SELECT - Targ. Struct.for 'Oracle Session' Select (Join of 5 V$ Tabs)

GORASESSION_SEL_ST04 - Targ. Struct.for 'Oracle Session' Select (Join of 5 V$ Tabs)

GORASESS_IO - Fields of Oracle Tables gv$sess_io

GORASQLADER - Derived Values from GV$SQL

GORASQLAREA - Structure Similar to Oracle Table GV$SQLAREA

GORAVSQLAR_DBC - Restictions on Display of Cursor Cache Statistical Data

GORAV_SQL - Fields of GV$SQL + Derived Values

GORAV_SQLTX - Structure Corresponding to Table GV$SQLTEXT

GORAV_SQL_SELECT - Structure Corresponding to Oracle Table GV$SQL

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