Select data from sap tables GTR

Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

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GTRAIL_CABIN_INFO_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRAIL_CABIN_PREF_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRAIL_MEAL_INFO_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRAIL_MEAL_PREF_TYPE - Food and beverage preferences to be used with this collectio

GTRAIL_PREF_TYPE - Identifies a collection of preferences for airline travel.

GTRAIL_SEAT_INFO_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRAIL_SEAT_PREF_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRAIL_STATION_INFO_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRAIL_STATION_PREF_TYPE - Rail preferences, using IATA airport codes.

GTRAIL_UPGRADE_PREF_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRCOND_CUST - Table for Customer Spec. Fields - Grantor Rule Conditions

GTRCOND_CUSTT - Rule Condition Text table for the Field texts.

GTRCUST_ACCGRP - Assignment Customer -> Customer account groups

GTRCUST_ARCHIVE - Grantor: Customizing Archiving GTR Billing Documents (AP/AR)

GTRC_CRM_CASECV - Grantor Management: Case Object Convert

GTRC_CRM_PROXY - Grantor Management: Proxy processes

GTRELATED_INDIVIDUAL_TYPE - Other traveler profiles associated with an specific individu

GTREMARK_TYPE - Remarks for a Profile

GTRESPONSE_INFO_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRESPONSE_MESSAGE_TYPE - Proxy Structure (generated)

GTRFIAPAR - Grantor: FI AP/AR related data

GTRFIAPARDOC - Grantor: FI AP/AR related data - Payment Type - Doc Type

GTRFIBILLREL - Relationship Table Grantor Billing Doc <-> AP/AR Doc

GTRFIBILLREL_ALV_STRUC - Display Structure: Relationship GTR Billing Doc & AP/AR Doc

GTRFIBILL_H - Header of Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc

GTRFIBILL_HT - Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc Header Text Table

GTRFIBILL_I - Grantor Billing Document Items

GTRFIBILL_IT - Grantor FI AP/AR Billing Doc Header Text Table

GTRFIBILL_SEL - Grantor Billing Doc FI-AP/AR: selection paramters

GTRFIINV_TRG - Trigger Table for Grantor Notification to CRM

GTRFINEXC_DEF - Default Financial Execution Interface

GTRGLOB_SETTINGS - Global settings for Grantor (client level)

GTRINVOICE - Grantor Invoicing into FI-AP/AR: selection paramters

GTRMULTIBP - GTR Multi Business Partner recipents activation

GTRPROG_PROFILCT - Rule Condition Text table for the assignment field texts.


GTRPROG_PROFILEC - GTR Program Profile Assignment to Rule Conditions

GTRPROG_PROFILET - Text table for customizing table GTRPROG_PROFILE

GTRRULE_AGR - Assignment Split Rule -> Agreement (if no EFs are used)

GTRRULE_ASSIGN - GTR Multi-Funding Rules Assignment To CRM Objects

GTRRULE_COND - Assignment Split IDs (Lines)--> Condition Block

GTRRULE_COND_V - Assignment Condition Block --> Condition Values

GTRR_AGREEMENT_ID - Grantor: Ranges structure for Grantor Agreement ID

GTRR_BILL_DOC - Grantor: Ranges structure for Grantor AP/AR Billing Document

GTRR_BP - Grantor: Ranges structure for Business Partner

GTRR_CLAIM_ID - Grantor: Ranges structure for Grantor Agreement ID

GTRR_FI_BILLDOC_ADJ - Range for adjusted flag

GTRR_FI_BILLDOC_INV - Range for invoicing flag

GTRR_POSTING_DATE - Grantor: Ranges structure for Posting Date

GTRR_PROG_EXTID - Grantor: Ranges structure for Grantor External Program ID

GTRT_CRM_BAD_APPOINTMENT - Grantor: BAD - Appointment Set

GTRT_CRM_BAD_BILLING - Grantor: BAD- Billing

GTRT_CRM_BAD_DOC_FLOW - Grantor: BAD - Structure object reference

GTRT_CRM_BAD_ORDERADM_H - Grantor: Business Application Document

GTRT_CRM_BAD_ORDERADM_I - Grantor: BAD - Business transaction item

GTRT_CRM_BAD_ORGMAN - Grantor: BAD - Organizational unit set

GTRT_CRM_BAD_PARTNER - Grantor: BAD - Partner

GTRT_CRM_BAD_PRICING - Grantor: BAD - pricing parameter - set

GTRT_CRM_BAD_PRICING_I - Grantor: BAD - item - pricing result


GTRT_CRM_BAD_STATUS - Grantor: BAD - Status Information

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_DOC_FLOW - Grantor: ERP structure to support doc flow send to CRM

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_EXPENSE_CAT - Grantor: ERP structure for CRM expense category

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_ID_DESCR - Grantor Management: 1O Object ID and Desc (head + item)

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_ITEM_CUST - Grantor Management: Send customizing linked to an item

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_ITEM_REFERENCE - Grantor Management: Cleared/Holdback item reference

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_PROG_ATTR - Grantor: ERP structure for program attributes assignment

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_PSM_KEY - Grantor Management: PSM key

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_RETURN - CRM Grantor Management BAPI for information return

GTRT_CRM_BAPI_STATUS - Grantor: ERP structure to support sending update to CRM

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_DESCRIPTION - CRM Grantor Program Management: Description

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_DOC_FLOW - CRM Grantor: Recipient Document Flow for PSM Integration

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_FP_REPL - CRM Grantor Program: Funded Program object links

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_HEADER - CRM Grantor Program Management: Header data

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_HIERARCHY - CRM Grantor Program Management: Hierarchical relations

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_MEASURE - CRM Grantor Program: comm. Structure with Funded Program obj

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_MEASURET - CRM Grantor Prog: comm. Structure with Funded Prog obj: text

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_PARTNER - CRM Grantor Program Management: Partner

GTRT_CRM_GPM_PROXY_STATUS - CRM Grantor Program Management: Status

GTRT_CRM_GRM_CASE_OBJ_LINK - GPM: Link Objects to Case


GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_EF_DOC_H - CRM Grantor Management: Earmarked funds header

GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_EF_DOC_I - CRM Grantor management: Earmarked funds item

GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_FMAA_DRV_IN - CRM Grantor management: Input for FMAA derivation

GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_RELEVANCY - List of processes relevancy for header and item

GTRT_CRM_PSM_PROXY_SCHEMA - Grantor Management Proxy: Scenario and Object type

GTRVEND_ACCGRP - Assignment Vendor -> Vendor account groups

GTRWRPEF_CUST - Grantor FR wrapper: create year dependant documents

GTR_ADD_DERIVE_SRC - Additional source fields for account assgmt. derivation

GTR_COBL_EXT_FLDS - To Be Deleted !!!

GTR_CRMDERIVE_HELP_FLDS - Additional helpfields for the GTRDERIVE derivation

GTR_CRMDERIVE_SRC - Source fields for derivation strategy 'GOCO'

GTR_CRMDERIVE_TARGET - Target fields for derivation strategy 'GOCO'

GTR_CRM_GPM - CRM Grantor Program Management: Mapping ID/LOGSYS -> GUID

GTR_CRM_NOTIFICIATION_ENH - Grantor: ERP->CRM enhanced notification structure

GTR_CRM_NOTIFICIATION_ENH_CP - Grantor: ERP->CRM enhanced notification structure

GTR_FI_ACC - Grantor FI-AP/AR Accounting Result

GTR_FI_APAR_CUST - Customizing structure FI AP/AR

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_DISP - Display Structure GTR Billing Doc

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_CHNGLOG - Change Log for Grantor Billing Documents

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_CI - Customer Include Structure

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_DATA - Header Data for Grantor Billing Doc

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_DISP - Structure for UI

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_EXT - Extended Data for Grantor Billing Document

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_H_TXT_DATA - Texts for GTR Billdoc Header

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_CI - Customer Include Structure GTR Billdoc Item

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_DATA - Data of Grantor Billing Document Item

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_DATA_TXT - Data of Grantor Billing Document Item

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_DISP - Structure for UI

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_I_TXT_DATA - Texts for GTR Billing Doc Items

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_REF - Reference to Grantor Billing Doc

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_REVERSAL - Grantor: Reversal Billing Documents

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_WRP_H - Grantor Billing Doc. Wrapper Header

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_WRP_I - Grantor Billing Doc. Wrapper Items

GTR_FI_BILLDOC_WRP_RET - Assignment of External Reference and Created Billing Doc.

GTR_FI_BILLITEM_REF - Billing Doc item Reference

GTR_FI_BILL_BORIDENT - Grantor Object Identifier

GTR_FI_INVDOC_I - (Virtual) Grantor Invoicing Document Items

GTR_FI_INVDOC_I_COMMON - (Virtual) Grantor Invoicing Document Items

GTR_FI_INVDOC_I_TMP - (Virtual) Grantor Invoicing Document Items

GTR_FI_PAY_STATUS - GTR: Structure to get pay status

GTR_FI_PAY_STATUS_PAID - Paid information

GTR_FMSPLIT - GTR splitting structure


GTR_INVOICE_KBLE - Grantor-EF Integration: Document Item Processing Invoicing

GTR_INVOICING_CUST - Grantor Invoicing Customizing Structure

GTR_NOTIFY_TRIG - Trigger table for Grantor ERP->CRM Notification

GTR_NOTIFY_TRIG_KEY - Trigger table for Grantor ERP->CRM Notification: Key Fields

GTR_NOTIFY_TRIG_LOCK - Trigger table for Grantor ERP->CRM Notification: LockFields

GTR_PAYMENT_CLEARING - Grantor: Advance/Payment clearing budget consumption

GTR_RULE_ASSIGN_OBJ - GTR CRM Objects which are assigned to a rule

GTR_RULE_COND_CI - Customer Include Structure

GTR_RULE_COND_FLDS - All GTR Rule Condition Fields

GTR_RULE_COND_STD_FLDS - GTR Rule Condition Standard Fields

GTR_TRANSLATOR - Grantor: Translator of CRM and ERP Integration Attributes

GTR_TRANSLATOR_ATTRIBUTES - Grantor Scenario - Account Assignment Manager Attributes

GTR_TRANSLATOR_KEY - Grantor Translator key: CRM and ERP Integration

GTR_TRANSLATOR_RECORD - Grantor Translator: Whole Record

GTR_TRSLR_SUBKEY - Grantor Translator - Subkey

GTR_TRSLR_SUBKEY_ATTRIBUTES - Grantor Translator - Subkey: Attributes

GTR_WRPEF_IFHEADER - Header of CRM Document

GTR_WRPEF_IFITEM - Item of CRM Document

GTR_WRPEF_ITEM - Item of CRM Document Enhanced with Year

GTR_WRPEF_RET - External References Corresponding to CRM Line

GTR_WRP_BADI_EXP_ITEM - Item of CRM Document Enhanced with Year

GTR_WRP_EF_CRM_HEADER - Header of CRM Document

GTR_WRP_EF_CRM_ITEM - Item of CRM Document

GTR_WRP_EF_CRM_RET - External References Corresponding to CRM Line

GTR_WRP_EF_ITEM - Item of CRM Document Enhanced with Year

GTR_WRP_EF_RET - External References Corresponding to CRM Line

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