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Display SAP table details

JBOFOIACTCAT - Derivation Category for Financial Object Data

JBORADDDIM - OR: ISV, Additional Dimensions to RMB (only CHAR)

JBORADDFIX - OR: ISV, Additional Fix Dimensions (CHAR, not BP-Relevant)

JKOMFK - IS-PSD: Communication Table for Billing

JKOMK1 - IS-PSD: Communication Table to FI - Document Header

JKOMK2 - IS-PSD: Communication Table to FI - Open Item

JKOMK3 - IS-PSD: Communication Table to FI - G/L Account Items

JKOMK4 - IS-PSD: Communication Table to FI - Tax Items

JKONV - IS-M/SD: Conditions (Transaction Data)

JLOGR - Logical Record (Without Next Flag) in Transport Files

JPOBJLINK - Generic Binary Object Linking for IS-M/PD

JVOO1 - Object Table for FI-SL Table JVTO1

JVOO2 - JV Billing FI-SL Object Table

JVORDER - IS-M/SD Order Data on Delivery

J_OBJCRT - Help Structure for Creating Objects

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