Select data from sap tables JYT

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JYTADR - Core address data

JYTADRCODE - IS-M: Address Data with Coding and Postal Units

JYTAENDNR - Change data for structural changes etc.

JYTALIAS - IS-M: Alias Data Structure

JYTANRSTD - Change data: Standard references

JYTANRUMH - Change data: Reassignment statements

JYTBEZEICH - IS-M: Short and Long Texts

JYTDATKENN - Transfer structure for postal service (file ID)

JYTDYNM - IS-M/SD: Settings for Screen Field Modification

JYTELKOM - IS-P: Home/Work Telephone Data

JYTELNO - IS-M: Telephone Data

JYTGOLIV - IS-M/SD: Data on Going Live

JYTHAUSNR - House number data

JYTKGSGEM - IS-M/SD: Util.Struc.for Foreign Key Check on Distr.Mun.Key

JYTKGSINCL - IS-PSD: Include with Attributes of Table JSTKGSPRO

JYTLFGARC - IS-M/SD: Archiving Status of Delivery

JYTORTFIELDS_USA - IS-M: Additional Fields in JSTORTPRO for US Country Version

JYTORTINCL - IS-PSD: Include with Attributes of Table JSTORTPRO


JYTPLOINCL - IS-M/SD: Table for Upgrade of Table JSTPLZORT

JYTPLZART - Type of postal code for usage

JYTPLZFIELDS_USA - IS-M: Additional Fields in JSTPLZPRO for US Country Version

JYTPLZINCL - IS-PSD: Include with Attributes of Table JSTPLZPRO

JYTPOFINCL - Include with attributes of table JSTPOFPRO

JYTPOSTDAT - IS-PSD: Postal Data (House Number, House Number Affix,...)

JYTPROUBEA - IS-M/SD: Pointers for Truck Routes - Loading/Unl.Point Seq.

JYTPSTSORT - Sequence indicator for postal street lists

JYTREORG - IS-M/SD: Reorganization Periods and Areas

JYTSTREORG - IS-M/SD: Reorganization Status

JYTSTRFIELDS_USA - IS-M: Additional Fields in JSTSTRPRO for US Country Version

JYTSTRINCL - IS-PSD: Include with Attributes of Table JSTSTRPRO

JYTSTRUKTF - General function part for structural changes

JYTTAGE - Do not change field string for weekdays (checkboxes)

JYTTRGWAER - IS-M: Trigger Entries for Currency Changes

JYTUPDAKZ - IS-PSD: Update Indicator for Postal Upgrade

JYTUSE1 - Created-by data (minimum version)

JYTUSE2 - Created-by data (maximum version)

JYTUSER - Created-By Data (Medium Scope)

JYTVERSION - Version (for upgrade procedures for postal data)


JYT_LOG_HEADER - IS-M: Log, Header

JYT_LOG_ITEM - IS-M: Log, Item

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