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Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

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P11D - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11D10 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11D2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11D4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11D5 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11D7 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11D8 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11D9 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11DB - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11DB10 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11DB2 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11DB4 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11DB5 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11DB7 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11DB8 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11DB9 - Proxy Structure (generated)

P11D_CONV - Conversion of evaluation class 11 to cummulation wage types

P11_ABS_HRERROR_TEXT - Error text transfer table for error handling

P11_ALV_HE - HR-IE: General List output header

P11_CALCULATION_BAND - Calculation Band

P11_EHCS_ACH - EHECS: ALV Structure Analitics Checks

P11_EHCS_CD - EHECS: Report Structure Company Details

P11_EHCS_HDR - EHECS: Report Structure Header

P11_EHCS_KEY - EHECS: Report Structure Keys

P11_EHCS_PG1 - EHECS: ALV Structure Page1

P11_EHCS_PG11 - EHECS: ALV Structure Page1 / with Enterprise number

P11_EHCS_PG2 - EHECS: ALV Structure Page2

P11_EHCS_PG22 - EHECS: ALV Structure Page2/ with Enterprise number

P11_EHCS_PG3 - EHECS: ALV Structure Page3

P11_EHCS_PG33 - EHECS: ALV Structure Page3/ with Enterprise number

P11_EHCS_PG4 - EHECS: ALV Structure Page4

P11_EHCS_PG44 - EHECS: ALV Structure Page4 / with Enterprise number

P11_EHCS_PT1 - EHECS: Report Structure Part1

P11_EHCS_PT2 - EHECS: Report Structure Part2

P11_EHCS_PT3 - EHECS: Report Structure Part3

P11_EHCS_PT4 - EHECS: Report Structure Part 4-6

P11_EHCS_PT7 - EHECS: Report Structure Part 7-10

P11_EHCS_XML - EHECS: XML Header Structure

P11_EMPLOYEE_P45P3 - P45 Part 3 / P46 Employee details structure

P11_EMPLOYER_P45P3 - P45 Part 3 / P46 Employer details structure

P11_EOY_TF - HR-IE: Timeframe structure for EOY reports

P11_EOY_TF_ALV - HR-IE: EOY Timeframe list for ALV

P11_EXCEP_ALV - HR-IE: Exception reporting structure for ALV output


P11_HIESEPA0_DISPLAY_ALV - Structure for Displaying Data in HIESEPA0

P11_HRPAYIE_FEAT_READER_BUFF - PY-IE: Isolation Framework Feature Reader Structure

P11_MR1_02 - HR-IE: Record type 1 for magnetic media (issued 2002)

P11_MR1_03 - HR-IE: Record type 1 for magnetic media (issued 2003)

P11_MR1_04 - HR-IE: Record type 1 for magnetic media (issued 2003)

P11_MR1_05 - HR-IE: Record type 1 for magnetic media (issued 2005)

P11_MR1_06 - HR-IE: Record type 1 for magnetic media (issued 2006)

P11_MR2_02 - HR-IE: Record type 2 for magnetic media (issued 2002)

P11_MR2_03 - HR-IE: Record type 2 for magnetic media (issued 2003)

P11_MR2_04 - HR-IE: Record type 2 for magnetic media (issued 2003)

P11_MR2_05 - HR-IE: Record type 2 for magnetic media (issued 2005)

P11_MR2_06 - HR-IE: Record type 2 for magnetic media (issued 2006)

P11_MR3_02 - HR-IE: Record type 3 for magnetic media (issued 2002)

P11_MR3_03 - HR-IE: Record type 3 for magnetic media (issued 2003)

P11_MR3_04 - HR-IE: Record type 3 for magnetic media (issued 2003)

P11_MR3_05 - HR-IE: Record type 3 for magnetic media (issued 2005)

P11_MR3_06 - HR-IE: Record type 3 for magnetic media (issued 2006)

P11_M_2002 - HR-IE: Magnetic media issued 2002

P11_M_2003 - HR-IE: Magnetic media issued 2003

P11_M_2004 - HR-IE: Magnetic media issued 2003

P11_M_2005 - HR-IE: Magnetic media issued 2003

P11_M_2006 - HR-IE: Magnetic media issued 2006

P11_P30XML_G - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOMR(P30) Employee details

P11_P35LXML_P - HR-IE: Reporting PRSI structure in EOY XML file

P11_P35L_C - HR-IE: Complete EOY work structure

P11_P35L_G - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificates of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P35L_G_00004 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificates of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P35L_G_V0003 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificates of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P35L_G_V0005 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificates of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P35L_G_V0007 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificates of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P35L_LVY - HR IE: Reporting structure ILVY Certificate

P11_P35L_LVY_V0004 - HR IE: Reporting structure ILVY Certificate

P11_P35L_P - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of PRSI

P11_P35L_PNS - HR-IE: Pension Schemes for EOY/P35L

P11_P35L_PRD - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of PRD

P11_P35L_PRD_V0006 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of PRD

P11_P35L_P_V0005 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of PRSI

P11_P35L_P_V0008 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of PRSI

P11_P35L_R - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P35L_R_00001 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P35L_R_00002 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P35L_R_V0007 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of Pay/Tax/PRSI


P11_P35XML_FILE - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY/P35File details

P11_P35_C - HR-GB: Reporting structure EOY/P35 complete

P11_P35_C_XML - PY IE: P35 XML Version6

P11_P35_G - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY/P35 header

P11_P35_LVY - HR IE: Employer reporting structure income levy certificate

P11_P35_PNS - HR-IE: Pension Schemes for EOY/P35

P11_P35_PRD - HR IE : PRD35 fields

P11_P35_R - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY/P35 for results

P11_P35_R_00002 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY/P35 for results

P11_P35_R_00005 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY/P35 for results version 00005

P11_P35_R_V0007 - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY/P35 for results

P11_P35_XMLNS - PY IE :P35 Employer XMLNS

P11_P45P3XML_FILE - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY/P35File details

P11_P45P3_XML - HR-IE: XML Reporting structure of P45 Employee details

P11_P45SUPPXML_G - HR-IE: XML Reporting structure of P45 Employee details

P11_P45XML_G - HR-IE: XML Reporting structure of P45 Employee details

P11_P45XML_U - HR-IE: Reporting USC Bands in P45 XML file

P11_P45_ACCEPT - P45 Accepted Employess

P11_P45_C - HR-IE: Complete P45 work structure

P11_P45_G - HR-IE: Reporting structure P45 Certificates of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P45_LEVYC - HR IE: Income Levy Certificate

P11_P45_P - HR-IE: Reporting structure P45 Certificate of PRSI

P11_P45_R - HR-IE: Reporting structure P45 Certificate of Pay/Tax/PRSI

P11_P45_REJECT - HR IE: List of Rejected Employees

P11_P45_REJESP - HR IE: List of Rejected Employees

P11_P45_S - HR IE: P45 SAP Script Structure

P11_P45_U - HR-IE: Reporting structure P45 Certificates of USC

P11_P46_XML - HR-IE: XML Reporting structure of P45 Employee details

P11_P60_CL - HR-IE: Complete EOY work structure

P11_P60_G - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of Pay/Tax/NI

P11_P60_N - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of Pay/Tax/NI

P11_P60_R - HR-IE: Reporting structure EOY Certificate of Pay/Tax/NI

P11_PAYE_0359 - HR-IE: PAYE Uplift BTCI receiver structure

P11_PAYE_0387 - HR-IE: PAYE(Starter Details) Uplift receiver structure

P11_PAYE_BODY - HR-IE: Paye upload file - body structure

P11_PAYE_BODY_2012 - HR-IE: Paye upload file - body structure

P11_PAYE_HEADER - HR-IE: Paye upload file - header structure

P11_PAYE_HEADER_2012 - HR-IE: Paye upload file - header structure

P11_PAYE_MESSAGE - HR-IE: Paye message display structure

P11_PAYE_TRAILER - HR-IE: Paye upload file - trailer structure

P11_PAYE_TRAILER_2012 - HR-IE: Paye upload file - trailer structure

P11_PC23N - Cluster RG: Exceptions (GB)

P11_PRD_P10 - HR IE: PRD10 Details

P11_PRD_P45 - HR IE: Incoming and outgoing PRD45 fields

P11_PRD_P60 - HR IE: Incoming PRD60 fields

P11_PREV_EMT_P45P3 - P45 Part 3 / P46 Previous employment details structure

P11_STRINGVAL - CSV File: Record Type String

P11_T5IEXMLSTRUC - HR:IE filing - Structure to store and retrieve XML files fr

P11_TEXT1000 - CSV File: 1000 character record

P11_VHIRED - VHI: VHI Reduction for Coronavirus

P11_VHIRED_CSV - VHI: Incoming Records for VHI Reduction for Coronavirus

P11_VHI_0386 - HR-IE: VHI Upload BTCI receiver structure

P11_VHI_B_2002_INT - HR-IE: VHI Upload structure body for Year 2002

P11_VHI_B_2002_V2 - HR-IE: VHI Upload structure body for Year 2002

P11_VHI_H_2002 - HR-IE: VHI Upload structure header for Year 2002

P11_VHI_PERNR_EXCL_LIST - HR-IE: Personnel numbers excluded from VHI upload

P11_VHI_T_2002 - HR-IE: VHI Upload structure trailer for Year 2002

P11_VHI_UP_2002_V2 - HR-IE: VHI Upload structure for Year 2002

P11_XML_ERROR - Error collection structure

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