Select data from sap tables P2B

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P2B2_AB - HCM Declustering B2 - Absences

P2B2_ABWKONTI - HCM Declustering B2 - Absence Quotas (Table ABWKONTI)

P2B2_ALP - HCM Declustering B2 - Alternative Payment Table ALP

P2B2_ANWES - HCM Declustering B2 - Attendances (Table ANWES)

P2B2_ANWKONTI - HCM Declustering B2 - Attendance Quotas (Table ANWKONTI)

P2B2_AT - HCM Declustering B2 - Table for AT

P2B2_B2VERSION - HCM Declustering B2 - B2 Version

P2B2_BEZUG - HCM Declustering B2 - Reference - Correct evaluation date

P2B2_C1 - HCM Declustering B2 - Cost Distribution Table C1

P2B2_CVS - HCM Declustering B2 - Cumulated Variable Balances

P2B2_CWST - HCM Declustering B2 - PDC Time Tickets

P2B2_FEHLER - HCM Declustering B2 - Messages (Table FEHLER)

P2B2_KNTAG - HCM Declustering B2 - Day Column

P2B2_MEHR - HCM Declustering B2 - Overtime (Table MEHR)

P2B2_PSP - HCM Declustering B2 - Personal Work Schedule (Table PSP)

P2B2_PT - HCM Declustering B2 - Time Event Pairs

P2B2_QTACC - HCM Declustering B2 - Generating Absence Quotas

P2B2_QTBASE - HCM Declustering B2 - Basic Entitlements of Cumulated Quota

P2B2_QTTRANS - HCM Declustering B2 - Transfer Pool for Quota Deduction

P2B2_RUFB - HCM Declustering B2 - On-Call Duty (Table RUFB)

P2B2_SALDO - HCM Declustering B2 - Time Balances per Period

P2B2_SKO - HCM Declustering B2 - Table SKO

P2B2_URLAN - HCM Declustering B2 - Leave Accrual (Table URLAN)

P2B2_VERT - HCM Declustering B2 - Table VERT

P2B2_VS - HCM Declustering B2 - Variable Balances per Day (Table VS)

P2B2_WPBP - HCM Declustering B2 - Payroll Results Work Center/Basic Pay

P2B2_WST - HCM Declustering B2 - PDC Time Tickets

P2B2_ZES - HCM Declustering B2 - Time Balances per Day (Table ZES)

P2B2_ZKO - HCM Declustering B2 - Quota Changes (Table ZKO)

P2B2_ZL - HCM Declustering B2 - Time Wage Types (Table ZL)

P2BG_BG_CUX - Difference table of payroll results

P2BG_BG_DIF - Difference table of payroll results

P2BG_BG_OSI - OSI properties Bulgaria

P2BR_9LREDTA - Retroactive accounting data

P2BR_9LRERSL - Retroactive accounting results

P2BR_ACJDTA - Calculation data for job accumulation

P2BR_ACJRSL - Results from job accumulation

P2BR_BRAVERAGE - Frozen averages

P2BR_BRCGC - Employment/basic pay: additional information

P2BR_BRCONT - Employment/basic pay: additional information

P2BR_BRCUM - Working days (PRS)

P2BR_BRDBT - Result of Labor Debits Update

P2BR_BRDEP - Dependents: master data

P2BR_BRIRRF - Withholding Incoming Tax: master data

P2BR_BRPROV - BRPROV (reserve)

P2BR_BRPRVV - BRPRVV (Leave Reserve)

P2BR_BRSOC - SS calculation - Social Insurance

P2BR_BRTAX - Withholding Income Tax

P2BR_BRZL - Time events in planned period

P2BR_GRDBT - Alimony debits

P2BR_GRORD - Alimony order

P2BR_GRPAY - Alimony calculations

P2BR_GRREC - Alimony record

P2BR_LADIV - Structure with information for process table Div30

P2BR_OVUNP - Credits and debits

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