Select data from sap tables PCZ

Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

Display SAP table details

PCZECSLITMCLFNCR - Generated Table for View

PCZSRECSLITMCLFN - Generated Table for View

PCZSRTAXITEM - Generated Table for View

PCZSRTAXITEM1 - Generated Table for View

PCZSRTAXITEM2 - Generated Table for View

PCZSRTAXITEMY - Generated Table for View

PCZ_DETAIL_LEAVING_WORK - Inclusion document - data for print

PCZ_DLW_COMPANY_S - Inclusion document - company data

PCZ_DLW_DEDUCTIONS_S - Inclusion document - deductions

PCZ_DLW_DOCUMENT_S - Inclusion document

PCZ_DLW_EMPLOYEE_S - Inclusion document - employee

PCZ_IV0007 - Structure of infot.0007(Scheduled work)+ 3436(Leave entitl.)

PCZ_IV0011 - Structure of infotype 0011 (external trans.) + 3413 (exec.)

PCZ_MSGTY_RANGE - Structure for MSGTY range

PCZ_SHFE_0100 - Search help for field of education

PCZ_TU_CERT_S - Confirmation of union dues - PDF

PCZ_UTIL_LOG - HRNO - Log structure

PCZ_VQ_HRQTA_EXT - CZ enhancement for hrqta_default

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