Select data from sap tables PFO_

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Display SAP table details

PFOAUXFIELDS - Auxiliary Fields for Declaration

PFOBI_S_EXTR_GO_00IP - Extraction Structure Table PFO_GO_00IP

PFOBI_S_EXTR_GO_00IS - Extraction Structure Table PFO_GO_00IS

PFOBI_S_EXTR_GO_00IV - Extraction Structure Table PFO_GO_00IV

PFOBI_S_EXTR_GZO - Extraction Structure Table PFO_GZO

PFOBI_S_EXTR_SEG - Extraction Structure Table PFO_SEG

PFOBI_S_EXTR_SZO - Extraction Structure Table PFO_SZO

PFOBI_S_EXTR_TEMPLATE_GO - Extraction Structure PFO_GO (Template)

PFOBI_S_EXTR_TEMPLATE_ZO - Extraction Structure PFO_ZO (Template)

PFOBI_S_EXTR_ZO_0000 - Extraction Structure Table PFO_ZO_0000

PFOBJID - Assignment of Leading Focus Obj: Node to Focus Master Record

PFOBJID_ARCHIVE - PPE Focus Assignment

PFOBJID_DB - DB Structure for Assignment Table Focus Objects

PFOBJR - Assignment of Focus Object: Relationship to Focus Master Rec

PFOBJR_DB - DB Structure for Assignment Table Focus Object: Relationship

PFOBJV - Assignment of Focus Object: Variant to Focus Master Record

PFOBJV_DB - DB Structure for Assignment Table Focus Object: Variant

PFOCEXPL_DYNP - Display Details for Explosion Parameters for Focus Structure

PFOCID - iPPE Focus Master Record

PFOCID_0_DYNP - Focus Master Record Attributes on the Interface (Load Proc.)

PFOCID_1_DYNP - Focus Master Record Attributes on Interface (Assign Proc.)

PFOCID_ARCHIVE - PPE Focus Master Record Archive

PFOCID_DB - DB Structure for Focus Master Record

PFOCID_DIAG - Display Fields for Analysis of Extracted Focus Structure

PFOCID_DIAG_NX - Display Fields for Where-Used List of Nodes in Focus

PFOCID_DYNP - Focus Master Record Attributes on Interface (Processing)

PFOCID_LI - External Identification of Focus Master Rec. (For Locking)

PFOCTX - PVS Focus: Texts


PFOCTX_DB - Focus Texts for the Database Layer

PFORECAST - Generated Table for View

PFOUNDATIONA - Generated Table for View

PFOUNDATIONP - Generated Table for View

PFOWTHCALCERROR - Generated Table for View

PFO_COMT - Text Table for Permitted Combinations

PFO_GO_00IP - Business Object Table for BusObj.Category 00IP in PM

PFO_GO_00IS - Business Object Table for BusObj.Category 00IP in PM

PFO_GO_00IV - Business Object Table for Bus.Obj.Category '00IV' from PM

PFO_GZO - Business Object Assignment Table

PFO_OBTT - Test Table for Object Type

PFO_POL_DATA - Policy no for a specific contract

PFO_ROLT - Text Table for Role

PFO_SEG - Segment Table for Portfolio Assignment

PFO_SEGT - Text Table for Segment

PFO_SGTT - Text Table for Segment Type

PFO_SZO - Segment Assignment Table

PFO_S_ARCHDATE - Dummy Structure for Dialog Box

PFO_S_ARCHOBJ - Structure for Class CL_PFO_ARCHIVE

PFO_S_ARCHOBJ_ID - Identification of Archiving Object


PFO_S_BADIFILT_DEFAULT - File Structure for PFO Default BAdI

PFO_S_BADIFILT_GET_DETAIL - Filter Structure for Get_Detail

PFO_S_BADIFILT_XZO_ROLE - Filter Structure for BAdI of XZO Role Check

PFO_S_BUFFER - Buffer Line for Portfolio Assignment

PFO_S_BUFFERTEXT - Texts in Buffer

PFO_S_BUFFER_HASH - Index Structure of Buffer (By Hash Key)

PFO_S_BUFFER_XZO - Structure for Buffering XZO Objects

PFO_S_BUSI_INTERVAL - Effective Validity

PFO_S_COM - Structure of Table TFPO_COM

PFO_S_COMADMINCL - Admin-Include of Permitted Combinations

PFO_S_COMCKEYINCL - Effective Key of Permitted Combinations, Types Key

PFO_S_COMCOMM - Communication Structure of Table TPFO_COM

PFO_S_COMKEYINCL - Key-Include of Permitted Combinations

PFO_S_COMPLEX - Deep Structure for Update

PFO_S_COM_HLP - Help Structure for TPFO_COM

PFO_S_CUSTOMER_FIELDS - Field Selection for Construction

PFO_S_EDT - PFO Structure for EDT

PFO_S_EDT_B - PFO Receiver Structure for EDT

PFO_S_EDT_S - PFO Sender Structure for EDT

PFO_S_ENQ_VAL - Enqueues

PFO_S_FOA_GZO - Parameter Structure for FOA Communication

PFO_S_FOA_GZO_PM - Parameter Structure for FOA Communication

PFO_S_FOA_OBJIDSEL - Structure for Selection by OBJIDENT in FOA Connection

PFO_S_FOA_RESULT_GO_00IP - Structure for Transferring Selection Results to FOA

PFO_S_FOA_RESULT_GO_00IS - Structure for Transferring Selection Results to FOA

PFO_S_FOA_RESULT_GO_00IV - Structure for Transferring Selection Results to FOA

PFO_S_FOA_RESULT_SEG - Structure for Transferring Selection Results to FOA

PFO_S_FOA_RESULT_ZO0000 - Structure for Transferring Selection Results to FOA

PFO_S_FOA_SEL_GO_00IP - Selection Structure of FOA for Business Object 00IP

PFO_S_FOA_SEL_PM_00IP - FOA Selection Structure for PM Integration PD-ORG: Policy

PFO_S_FOA_SEL_PM_00IS - FOA Selection Structure for PM Integration PD-ORG: Policy

PFO_S_FOA_SEL_PM_00IV - FOA Selection Structure for PM Integration PD-ORG: Policy

PFO_S_FOA_SEL_SEG - Selection Structure in FOA for Segment

PFO_S_FOA_SEL_SEG_PM - Selection Structure in FOA for Segment

PFO_S_FOA_SEL_ZO0000 - FOA Selection Structure for Assignment Object 0000

PFO_S_FOA_SZO - Parameter Structure for FOA Connection

PFO_S_GOADMINCL - Admin-Include of all Business Object Categories

PFO_S_GOCATT_00IP - Customer Attribute Structure for Business Object 00IP

PFO_S_GOCATT_00IS - Customer Attribute Structure for BusObj 00IS

PFO_S_GOCATT_00IV - Customer Attributes for Insurance Contracts

PFO_S_GOCKEY_00IP - Customer Keys for Business Object 00IP

PFO_S_GOCKEY_00IS - Customer Keys for Business Object 00IV

PFO_S_GOCKEY_00IV - Customer Keys for Business Object 00IP

PFO_S_GOKEYINCL - Key-Include for All Business Object Categories

PFO_S_GO_00IP - Structure for Table PFO_GO_00IP

PFO_S_GO_00IS - Structure for Table PFO_GO_00IS

PFO_S_GO_00IV - Structure for Table PFO_GO_00IV

PFO_S_GO_CONSI - Static Part of Business Object

PFO_S_GZO - Structure for DDIC Table PFO_GZO

PFO_S_GZOADMINCL - Admin-Include for Business Object Assignment Objects

PFO_S_GZOCATT - Customer Attributes for Table PFO_GZO

PFO_S_GZOCKEYINCL - Effective Key of Business Object Assignment Objects

PFO_S_GZOKEYINCL - Key Include for Business Assignment Objects

PFO_S_GZOUSINC - PFO Structure with Universal Successor Flag and Segment ID

PFO_S_GZOUSINCL - PFO Structure with Universal Success Flag und Segment ID

PFO_S_GZO_CONSI - Result Structure for Consistency Checker


PFO_S_OBJECT - Structure of DB Table TPFO_OBJECT

PFO_S_OBT - Structure of DDID Table TPFO_OBT

PFO_S_OBTADMINCL - Admin-Include of Object Type

PFO_S_OBTCOMM - Communication Structure of Table TPFO_OBT

PFO_S_OBTKEYINCL - Key-Include of Object Types

PFO_S_OBT_PROC - Structure of Table TPFO_OBT_PROC

PFO_S_ORIGIN - Structure of Table TPFO_ORIGIN

PFO_S_PM_ASSIGN - Assignment Information for PM-PDORG Integration

PFO_S_PM_CONTR_IN - Communication Structure for PM Policies

PFO_S_PM_CONTR_PART_IN - Communication Structure for PM Policies

PFO_S_PM_CONTR_PART_READ - Input Structure for Reading Assignments

PFO_S_PM_CONTR_READ - Input Structure for Reading Assignments

PFO_S_PM_POL_IN - Communication Structure for PM Policies

PFO_S_PM_POL_READ - Input Structure for Reading Assignments


PFO_S_RANGE_SEGTYP - Selection Option Segment Type

PFO_S_REPORT - Program Name for Gen. Screen

PFO_S_RFC_IMPORT_STRUCTURE - Input Structure of RFC Interface for Portfolio Assignment

PFO_S_RFC_SELRESULT - Selection Result Free Selection

PFO_S_RFC_STRUCT - Structure for Value Input for Import of Metadata

PFO_S_ROL - Structure of DDIC Table TPFO_ROL

PFO_S_ROLADMINCL - Admin-Include of Role

PFO_S_ROLCOMM - Communication Structure for DDIC Table TPFO_ROL

PFO_S_ROLKEYINCL - Key-Include for Roles in Portfolio Assignment

PFO_S_SEG - Structure for DDIC Table PFO_SEG

PFO_S_SEGADMINCL - Admin-Include for Segments

PFO_S_SEGCATTINCL - Customer Attribute Include for Segment Table

PFO_S_SEGCKEYINCL - Customer Key Include for Segment Table

PFO_S_SEGCOMM - Communication Structure for Segment


PFO_S_SEGKEYINCL - Key-Include for Segments

PFO_S_SEGT - Structure for DDIC Table PFO_SEGT

PFO_S_SGT - Structure

PFO_S_SGTADMINCL - Admin-Include of Segment Type

PFO_S_SGTCOMM - Communication Structure of Segment Type

PFO_S_SGTKEYINCL - Key-Include of Segment Type for Portfolio Assignment

PFO_S_SGT_FIELDLIST - Segment Type Fields

PFO_S_SGT_MAINTAIN - Communication Structure of Segment Type

PFO_S_SZO - Structure of DDIC Table PFO_SZO

PFO_S_SZOADMINCL - Admin-Include for Segment Assignment Objects

PFO_S_SZOCKEYINCL - Effective Key-Include for Segment Assignment Objects

PFO_S_SZOKEYINCL - Key-Include for Segment Assignment Objects

PFO_S_SZO_CONSI - Structure for Consistency Check

PFO_S_TA_COMB - Combinations for TA

PFO_S_TEXTINCL - Text Include for Portfolio Assignment

PFO_S_XZO_CONSI - Enhancement of XZO (X Assignment) for Consistency Check

PFO_S_ZOADMINCL - Admin Include for All Assignment Categories

PFO_S_ZOCATT_0000 - Effective Attribute-Include for Integration Scenario

PFO_S_ZOCKEY_0000 - Effective Key-Include for Integration Scenario

PFO_S_ZOKEYINCL - Key Include for All ZOs (Assignments)

PFO_S_ZO_0000 - Structure for DDIC Table PFO_ZO_0000

PFO_S_ZO_CONSI - Static Part of an Assignment

PFO_ZO_0000 - Table for Assignment Objects of Type 00CC

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