Select data from sap tables PHI

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Display SAP table details

PHIERBPVVAL - Generated Table for View

PHIERCLKFFILTER - Generated Table for View

PHIERDERIV - Generated Table for View

PHIERDERIVCU - Generated Table for View

PHIERDERIVLVMAX - Generated Table for View

PHIERDERIVP - Generated Table for View

PHIERDSEG - Generated Table for View

PHIERL - Generated Table for View

PHIERL2P2ELI - Generated Table for View

PHIERLCU - Generated Table for View

PHIERLISTSKF - Generated Table for View

PHIERLPC - Generated Table for View

PHIERLSEG - Generated Table for View

PHIERMACDURNVAL - Generated Table for View

PHIERMODDURNVAL - Generated Table for View

PHIE_CHABASNM - BW: InfoObject for Hierarchy

PHIFI - Table for Entries/Withdrawals (Function Module RP_HIRE_FIRE)

PHINH - Header Table for Take Over

PHINT - Phase In Table

PHIN_CI_PHINT - include for Customer specific fields in the PHINT

PHIN_EQUI_SEL - PHIN: selected equipments for handover/takeover

PHIN_MSG - table for internal message handling in Takeover/Handover


PHIN_MSG_REPL - TOHO Messages to be replaced in Message Log

PHIN_S_A - Phase In: Additional fields

PHIN_S_CABN_THO_DEFAULT - Internal Characteristics for ToHo - default delivery

PHIN_S_CF - structure of customising table tphin_cf

PHIN_S_CNTR_CR - Measuring Point: Counter create

PHIN_S_CUST_FACTORY_CLASS - Customizing Factory - Processing classes

PHIN_S_D - Phase In: Derived Fields

PHIN_S_DEF_HIERARCHY - ToHo: defines the hierarchy of techn. objects

PHIN_S_DRAD - Maintenance Plan: Link to table DRAD + DRAT

PHIN_S_DX - Data Exchange: Technical objects and Counter Readings

PHIN_S_DX_EQUI - Data Exchange: Equipment data

PHIN_S_DX_FLOC - Data Exchange: Functional Location data

PHIN_S_DX_STPX - Data Exchange: Equipment BOM data

PHIN_S_ENQUEUE1 - enqueue of non-key (but index) fields of PHINH

PHIN_S_EQBOMHDR - Equipment BOM Header Data

PHIN_S_FACTORY_CLASSES - PHIN Factory - Verarbeitungsklassen

PHIN_S_FIELDNAME_REPTEXT - Fieldname, Reptext: Workarea for Search Help

PHIN_S_GDT - Handover/Takeover Data Exchange Structure with GDTs

PHIN_S_HOTO - Handover / Takeover Structure

PHIN_S_HO_TOP_EQUIS - Handover: selected top equipments

PHIN_S_MATNR_DATA - PHIN: Data for determination of PHIN object type (E;M;L)

PHIN_S_MD_CNTR_1 - MeasDocuments to MeasPoint

PHIN_S_MD_CNTR_RDG - Counter Readings for Phase In Counters

PHIN_S_MD_CNTR_RDG_OBJNR - Counter Readings for Phase In Counters per object

PHIN_S_MD_CNTR_RDG_TIME - Measurement Time for Counter Readings (add. display fields )

PHIN_S_MD_CR_S - Measurement Document create (minimum fields)

PHIN_S_MD_TOTEX_CR_BADI - MeasDocument for Setting Total Counter External: BADI update

PHIN_S_MP - Maintenance Plan specific fields

PHIN_S_MPLA - Popup List Maintenance Plans for Techn. Object

PHIN_S_MPT_CR - Measuring Point create

PHIN_S_MPT_CR_BADI - Measuring Point create: BADI update

PHIN_S_MPT_POINT_ATINN - MeasPoint to Object: Point + characteristic + trans ...

PHIN_S_MPT_TOB_S - Counters to TechnObject: short fieldlist (IMPTT)

PHIN_S_MP_ATTRIBUTES - Maintenance Plan: Attributes at the Schedule View

PHIN_S_MP_CALL_TCODE - TOHO: From maintenance plan views called transactions

PHIN_S_MP_CREA - Maint.Plan Create View

PHIN_S_MP_CREATE - Maintenance Plan Create Structure

PHIN_S_MP_INPUT_START_PARAM - Maintenance Plans: start parameters to be shown

PHIN_S_MP_OBJECT_DATA - Maintenance plan: Object data

PHIN_S_MP_SCHED - Maint.Plan View Schedule

PHIN_S_MP_SCHEDU - Maintenance Plans scheduling fields

PHIN_S_MP_SCHEDULE - Maintenance Plans Schedule View

PHIN_S_MP_START_PARAMETERS - Maintenance Plans: Values of start parameters

PHIN_S_MP_START_PARAMETERS_UI - Maintenance Plans: Input readiness of the start parameters

PHIN_S_MP_STATUS - Maintenance Plans: status on Schedule MP view

PHIN_S_MP_STATUS_OBJECT - Status of the MPLANs for an object on Create MP view

PHIN_S_MSG - Display fields for table PHIN_MSG

PHIN_S_MSG_PI - Phin Message including Posting Indicator

PHIN_S_MSG_REPL - Structure for Substitute Messages

PHIN_S_NOTIF - Work Completion View

PHIN_S_NOTIFICATION - Notification data

PHIN_S_NOTIF_CALL_TCODE - Call of external transactions

PHIN_S_NOTIF_OBJNR - Notification and its status object

PHIN_S_NOTIF_STATUS - Status short text and status long text

PHIN_S_OBJNR - Object number

PHIN_S_PC - Phase In Persistency Controller

PHIN_S_PC_MPLAN - Maintenance Plan Persistency Controller

PHIN_S_PC_NOTIF - Notification Persistency Controller

PHIN_S_PHINH - Table line of PHINH

PHIN_S_PHINT - Table Line of Phint

PHIN_S_QMNUM - Notification number

PHIN_S_REFTOOBJECT - Collects references to PHIN objects

PHIN_S_RMS_DISPLAY - PHIN: fileds used to display a record in RMS

PHIN_S_S - Phase In: Source Structure (external View mandatory Fields)

PHIN_S_SERNR_SEARCH - PHIN: structure for serial number search help

PHIN_S_ST - Phase In: Status Fields

PHIN_S_TL_MODIND - Phase In Persistency Controller

PHIN_S_TREE - Index structure of the tree

PHIN_S_WARPL - Maintenance plan number

PHIN_S_WD2 - Display fields for context (WD comp. PHIN_MAIN_COMP)

PHIN_S_WORK_COMPL - Work Completion structure

PHIN_T_MSG_PI - Phin Message Table Structure including Posting Indicator

PHIN_V_CF - Generated Table for View

PHIN_V_MPT_EXT - Generated Table for View

PHIN_V_MPT_EXT1 - Generated Table for View

PHIN_V_MSG_REPL - Generated Table for View

PHIN_V_PHINH_TO - Generated Table for View

PHIN_V_PI_PROF - Generated Table for View

PHIN_V_PO_PROF - Generated Table for View

PHISTARBKTRANS - Generated Table for View

PHISTARBNKSTITEM - Generated Table for View

PHISTLFCSTFEE - Generated Table for View

PHISTMAT - Generated Table for View

PHI_CMDS_EI_C_DATA - Philippines Ext. Interface: Central Customer Data

PHI_KNA1_I - Philippines: Ext. for Business Partner

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