Select data from sap tables PIC

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Display SAP table details

PICAGRADDLMD - Generated Table for View

PICAGRPRCTR01 - Generated Table for View

PICAGRPRCTR02 - Generated Table for View

PICAGRSEG01 - Generated Table for View

PICAGRSEG02 - Generated Table for View

PICAMATCHINGDOC - Generated Table for View

PICASSGMT - Generated Table for View

PICHARCAGGR - Generated Table for View

PICHD - Parts Interchangeability Header Data (Sus+MPN)

PICHISTORY - Generated Table for View

PICIC - Parts Interchangeability Code

PICKFIELDS - Fields to Use Callback Function on

PICLGROSSRSRV - Generated Table for View

PICLLTSTGRSSRSRV - Generated Table for View

PICLNEWOPNSUBCLM - Generated Table for View

PICLOPNSUBCLMMX - Generated Table for View

PICLSUBCLMCNTAG - Generated Table for View

PICLSUBCLMCOUNT - Generated Table for View

PICMAP - Mapping Table for Interchangeable Materials as in PICHD

PICM_S_PROJECT_DETAILS - PICM Analytics : Master project with items

PICORSTRCN - Generated Table for View

PICORSTRCN0 - Generated Table for View

PICORSTRCNRAW - Generated Table for View

PICPS - Parts Interchangeability Item (SuS+MPN)

PICPSRL_MGV_LAMA - Generated Table for View

PICREJNOSUB - Generated Table for View

PICREJSUB - Generated Table for View

PICRL - Parts Interchangeability Relation (Plant/MRP Area)

PICSAMHISTORY - Generated Table for View

PICST001 - PIC Structure: Screen Elements

PICST002 - PIC Structure: Update & Control Parameters

PICST003 - PIC Additional Fields for Parts Interchangeability

PICST004 - PIC Structure: IM-MPN MRP Set View with Comparison Flag

PICST005 - Structure Based on V_PICPSR (Changed Field Sequence)

PICST006 - PIC: MRPset display structure

PICST00L - Locking Structure to Lock Over PICNUM

PICST101 - PIC Structure: MRP Parameters

PICST102 - PIC Structure: MRP Control Parameters

PICST103 - PIC Structure : Display Data for Evaluations

PICST201 - PIC : Structure for SUS Materials in MRP

PICST202 - PIC : MDPS - Append for Reduced Qty Field

PICST203 - PIC : Interface for Material Buffer in PIC10

PICST204 - PIC : Structure for MPN Materials in MRP

PICSTKEY - Locking structure to lock via PICKEY

PICTOGRAMLAYOUT - Structure for Portal Start Page

PICUSTOMERF2187 - Generated Table for View

PICWRJCTDSMPL - Generated Table for View

PIC_ATPCS - PIC Append for ATP

PIC_ATP_MAINITEM - Notes the Main Item for the ATP Check

PIC_CAUFVD - PIC : Append for CAUFVD for MPN Fields

PIC_CM60X - PIC : Cm60X Fields for MPN/SUS Processing

PIC_CM61M - PIC : Material Flags for SUS+MPN Handling in MRP

PIC_CM61X - PIC Append for CM61X

PIC_ITEM_CHANGE_STY - Item Data for Material Replacement (PIC)

PIC_M61DM - PIC : Additional Fields for MRP (SUS/MPN)

PIC_MARA - PIC: Additional Fields for Parts Interchangeability

PIC_MARA_APP - Generated Table for View

PIC_MT06A - Append structure for interchangable parts

PIC_MT06E - PIC: Additional Fields for Parts Interchangeability

PIC_MT61D - PIC : Additional Fields for MRP (SUS/MPN)

PIC_PBZU - PIC : Append for MPN/SUS Fields in PBZU

PIC_SCHEDULE_CHANGE_STY - Schedule Line Data for Material Replacement (PIC)

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