Select data from sap tables PNR

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Display SAP table details

PNRASSTMTUSRMDL - Generated Table for View

PNRCP - Header Node Attributes

PNRCP_DB - Database Structure RCP: Time-Dependent Attributes

PNRES - iPPE Resource Node: Attributes

PNRESCREA_DYNP - Screen Structure: Create Resource Node

PNRESD - iPPE Resource Node: Attributes

PNRESDOC_DYNP - Dialog Structure for Operating Facilities of Document Type

PNRESM - iPPE Resource Node: Material/Product Data

PNRESM_DYNP - Dialog Structure PNRESM

PNRESR_DYNP - Dialog Structure for Proxy Object/APO Resource

PNRES_DB - iPPE Resource Node: Database Structure

PNRES_DYNP - PNRES Dialog Structure

PNRFUTASSTVERS - Generated Table for View

PNRL_ACTP_DYNP - Activity Node Relationship is part of

PNRL_DYNP - Node Relationships

PNRL_IOC_DYNP - Activity Relationship Input/Output

PNRL_SEQ_DYNP - Activity-Node Relationship Sequence

PNROFACTEXASMUSR - Generated Table for View

PNROFCCI - Generated Table for View

PNROFEXCLASMPRD - Generated Table for View

PNROFPRACTASMVER - Generated Table for View

PNRSUBASISL - Generated Table for View

PNRSUBASMTCRT - Generated Table for View

PNRSUBASRSL - Generated Table for View

PNRT - Prenotification: File with checked bank data (SAP format)

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