Select data from sap tables RCR

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Display SAP table details

RCR01 - View of Work Center from Task Lists

RCR01S - Work centers for sub-operations

RCR02 - Scheduling: Parameter Values

RCR04 - I/O Fields SALCRR04

RCR06_A - Hierarchy Structure

RCRCA - Table CRCA with Update Flag

RCRCAPACITY - Structure for Capacity

RCRCO - Table CRCO with Update Flag

RCRCO_A - Assignment of Work Center to Cost Center

RCRCO_TEXT - Descriptions of the activities defined in the work center

RCRCYEXCHRATE - Generated Table for View

RCRDE - Specific data elements for PP resources/ work centers

RCRDTACCTNOTETP - Generated Table for View

RCRDTACCTRELTP - Generated Table for View

RCRDTACCTSMMRYTP - Generated Table for View

RCRDTBPNOTE - Generated Table for View

RCRDTBPRELTP - Generated Table for View

RCRDTEXPITEMTP - Generated Table for View

RCRDTEXPOSURETP - Generated Table for View

RCRDTEXPTOTALTP - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMACCT - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMACCT50 - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMACCTDR - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMACCTNOTE - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMANALYSTDR - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMBP - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMBP40 - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMBPCOLLAT - Generated Table for View

RCRDTMBPNEGEVT - Generated Table for View

RCRDTPAYTBEHAV - Generated Table for View

RCRDTPAYTBEHAVTP - Generated Table for View

RCREF - Cache entry for addressing classes

RCREINH - Alternative units of time

RCRENQ - Work center/Capacity Help Table for Enqueue

RCRENQH - Hierarchy - Help Table for Locking

RCRHD - Table CRHD with Update Flag

RCRHD_A - Work Center Header Data with Short Text

RCRHD_CLAS - Classification View of Work Center Using Table TCLO

RCRHH - Table CRHH with Update Indicator

RCRHS - Table CRHS with Update Indicator

RCRID - Logistics object work center or capacity

RCRKAKO - Table KAKO with Update Flag

RCRKAKT - Table KAKT with Update Flag

RCRKAPA - Table KAPA with Update Flag

RCRKAPE - Table KAPE with update flag

RCRKAPID - Capacity ID

RCRKAPM - Cap. - individual cap. (not persons) allocation

RCRKAPP - Structure KAPP with update flag

RCRKAPT - Table KAPT with update flag

RCRKAPV - Structure KAPV with update flag

RCRKAZY - Table KAZY with Update Flag

RCRKK - Interface to Capacity Header Data

RCROP - Work Center Formulas: Valid Fields


RCRPVW - Work center formulas: forec. standard values from confirm.

RCRTX - Table CRTX with Update Flag

RCRUKZ - Work Area CR: Update Indicator for Tables with Includes

RCRVGW - Work Center Formulas: Standard Values for Task Lists

RCRWORKCENTER_UPDATE - Structure for WorkCenter Update

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