Select data from sap tables RCV

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RCVALUEID2 - Ful Key of a Characteristic Value for Classification

RCVDIRDB4 - Backup Information about Receiver Directory on iSeries

RCV_GET_UUID - Generated Table for View

RCV_STR_ADDRESS - Address IDs with Address Description

RCV_STR_ADDRESS_PER_SENDTYPE - Address Description per Send Type

RCV_STR_DYN_REC_DET_HDS_RESULT - Target Structure for Dynamic Recipient Determination in HDS

RCV_STR_DYN_REC_DET_HDS_SOURCE - Source Structure for Dynamic Recipient Determination in HDS

RCV_STR_RECEIVER_DETERMINE - Correspondence Recipient

RCV_STR_RECEIVER_FINDING - Control for Correspondence Recipient Administration

RCV_STR_RECEIVER_SIMULATION - Correspondence Recipient Simulation

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