Select data from sap tables RDI

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Display SAP table details

RDIMSET - Settings

RDINTAMOUNTS - Interest Totals According to Different Requests

RDIRESULT - SAPscript RDI: Return strctre in session not equal to spool

RDISB - Interface Structure and Control Data for Disbursement

RDISBM_AMOUNT - Loans: Screen Fields for Basic Disbursement Data - Amount

RDISBM_BASIS - Loans: Screen Fields for Basic Disbursement Data

RDISBM_CAP - Loans: Screen Fields for Basic Disb. Data - Cap./Conditions

RDISBM_FIMA - Loans: Screen Fields for Basic Disbursem. Data - FIMA fields

RDISBM_OTHERS - Loans: Screen Fields for Basic Disbursement Data - Other

RDISBM_POST - Screen Fields for Basic Disbursement Data - Accounting

RDISB_ACTIVITY - Disbursement: Activity List

RDISB_ADAPTFLAGS - Indicators for Adjustments

RDISB_ADMIN - Administration Data

RDISB_API - API Interface Structure and Control Data for Disbursement

RDISB_API_GEN - API Interface Structure and Control Data for Disbursement

RDISB_API_STEER - API Control Parameter for New Disbursement

RDISB_CUSTOM - Customer Data

RDISB_DERIVED_INFO - Derived Information for Disbursement

RDISB_DETAIL - Details of Single Disbursement

RDISB_DISPLAY - Display Data for Disbursement

RDISB_GEN - Interface Structure and Control Data for Disbursement

RDISB_HEAD - Header Data for Disbursement

RDISB_INSTRUCTIONS - Control Fields for Disbursement

RDISB_MESSAGEFLAGS - Control Flag String for Checks

RDISB_STATIC_TEXTS - Text Structure for Static Texts in the Disbursement UI

RDISB_STEER_OL - Control Data Object Layer Disbursement

RDISB_STEER_UI - Control Data for Disbursement User Interface

RDISPCASE - Generated Table for View

RDISPCASEATTR - Generated Table for View

RDISPCASEDR - Generated Table for View

RDISPCASEPROT - Generated Table for View

RDISPCCLLSGTP - Generated Table for View

RDISPCSNTTYP - Generated Table for View

RDISP_CASHFLOW_IL - Transaction Data - Planned and Actual Item

RDISTRIBUTOR - TR-LO: Posted Single Items to be Transferred to TR Ledger

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