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RFFAREAINF - Company report structure maint.: Info. on a functional area

RFFBWD - Help fields for transaction FBWD

RFFBWE - Help fields for bill of exchange presentation (FBWE)

RFFBWO - Help Fields for Discount of Orbian Credits (FBWO)

RFFBZG - Fields for Screens of Module Pool SAPMFBZG

RFFEU00 - Structure for the Program Documentation

RFFFPDO1 - Structure of Cash Mgmt and Forecast Parameters and Sel.Opts

RFFK3 - K3 form: Auxiliary structure for form fields

RFFLD - Table Fields for F4 Help


RFFMFG_BAL - Application Log: Log - Output Structure

RFFMFG_DEBT_LINE - Treasury Offset - Debt Information Fields

RFFMFG_INDIV_DEBT_LINE - Treasury Offset Individual Debtor Information Fields

RFFMFG_OFFSET_CONTRL_REC_LINE - Treasury Offset Control Record Fields

RFFMFG_OFFSET_LINE - Treasury Offset - Document Fields

RFFMFG_OI_BAL - Application Log: Log - Output Structure

RFFMFUNFILLED - Unfilled Customer Orders Output

RFFMFUNFILLED_OBLI - Unfilled Customer Orders Output - Obligations

RFFMFUNFILLED_UNASSIGNED - Unfilled Customer Orders Output - Unassigned Amt.

RFFMF_TC_MANUAL - Manual Correction and Confirmation


RFFMRP08_OUTLIST - FM: Output Structure of RFFMRP08

RFFR_C80 - this is for the C80 document that is used for French

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