Select data from sap tables RFICO

Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

Display SAP table details

RFICOACTULITEM - Generated Table for View

RFICOS_AMT - Structure for Amount and Interest Calculation

RFICOS_CALC - Structure for Calculation Date

RFICOS_CONDI - Structure for Conditions

RFICOS_CONDI_KEY - Key Structure of Conditions

RFICOS_CONDI_KEY_EXTEND - Key Structure of Conditions


RFICOS_CONTAB - Structure for Condition Table

RFICOS_CONTAB_KEY - Key Structure for Condition Table

RFICOS_CONTAB_KEY_EXTEND - Key Structure for Condition Table

RFICOS_DUE - Structure for Due Date

RFICOS_PAYMENT - Structure for Payment Data / Posting

RFICOS_RUNTIME - Structure for Specification of Term

RFICOS_USERDATA - Structure for User Data

RFICOS_VALIDITY - Structure of the Validity of Condition Table Version

RFICOS_VDCOTT_WITHOUT_CLIENT - Condition Table Text Without Client and Language

RFICOS_VDCOT_WITHOUT_CLIENT - Condition Table Without Client

RFICOS_VERS - Structure for Versions of the Condition Table

RFICOS_VERS_KEY - Key Structure for Versions of a Condition Table

RFICOS_VERS_SRCH - Search Fields for Versions of a Condition Table

RFICOS_VERS_VALIDITY - Validity Period and Status of Version of the Condition Table

RFICO_COND_POS_NO_SUCC - Condition For Which No Items Could Be Determined

RFICO_COND_POS_VIEW - Condition Item Denormalized

RFICO_COND_SEL_CRIT - Condition Table: Selection Criteria Condition

RFICO_COND_SEL_CRIT_EXT - Condition Table: Selection Criteria Condition External

RFICO_COND_SEL_CRIT_EXT_CAT - Cond.Table: Condition Type w. Classificn Position / Activity

RFICO_COND_SEL_CRIT_INT - Condition Table: Selection Criteria Condition Internal

RFICO_CONTAB_VALUE_REQU - Structure for Condition Table Value Request

RFICO_DYN_ADMIN_TEXT - Screen Structure: Text Field for Administration Data

RFICO_DYN_CONDITION - Screen Structure for Conditions Within Condition Table

RFICO_DYN_CONTAB - Screen Structure for Initial Screen Condition Table

RFICO_DYN_COPY - Screen: Copy From when Creating a Condtion Table

RFICO_DYN_POSITION - Screen Structure Condition Item

RFICO_DYN_PRODUCT - FICO: Interface Strcuture Product

RFICO_DYN_PRO_ASS1_VIEW_L - Screen: Assignment: Product + Paramter -> Condition Table

RFICO_DYN_PRO_ASS1_VIEW_OBJECT - Screen: Assignment: Product + Paramter -> Condition Table

RFICO_DYN_PRO_ASS2_VIEW_L - Screen: Assignment: Product -> Condition Tables

RFICO_DYN_PRO_ASS2_VIEW_OBJECT - Screen: Assignment of Condition Tables to Product

RFICO_DYN_PRO_ASSX_VIEW_L - Screen: Superclass Assignment of Condition Tables to Product

RFICO_DYN_PRO_ASSX_VIEW_OBJECT - Screen: Superclass Assignment of Condition Tables to Product

RFICO_DYN_PRO_ASS_TXT - Screen: Assignment. Product -> Condition Table Texts

RFICO_DYN_PRO_HEAD_ASS - FICO: Interface Strcuture Product

RFICO_DYN_SKOART_SBEWART - Screen Structure for Reading Condition / Flow Types

RFICO_DYN_VERSION - Screen Structure for Versions of the Condition Table

RFICO_MESSAGE - Structure Error Messages in Condition Determination

RFICO_POS_AMT - Structure for Amount Item

RFICO_POS_AMT_FORMULA - Structure for Amount Item Interest

RFICO_POS_INSTALLMENT_LOAN - Condition Items for Installment Loans

RFICO_POS_KEY - Key Structure for Condition Item

RFICO_POS_KEY_EXTEND - Key Structure for Condition Item

RFICO_POS_SEL_CRITERIA - Structure for Limit Values

RFICO_POS_SEL_CRITERIA_EXT - Condition Table: Selection Criteria Condition Scale

RFICO_PROD_ASSX_DB - Superclass: Assignment of Condition Tables to Product

RFICO_PROD_ASS_CONTAB_1_KEY - Assignment 1 Product ---> Condition Table: Key

RFICO_PROD_ASS_CONTAB_1_SRCH - Assignment 1 Product ---> Condition Table. Search Fields

RFICO_PROD_ASS_CONTAB_2_KEY - Assignment 2 Product ----> Condition Table : Key

RFICO_PROD_ASS_CONTAB_2_SRCH - Assignment 2 Product ---> Condition Table: Search Fields

RFICO_PROD_ASS_CONTAB_PAR_EXT - Condition: Selection Criteria Level Condition Table

RFICO_PROD_ASS_CONTAB_PAR_INT - Assignment Product ----> Condition Table: Internal Paramter

RFICO_PROD_ASS_CONTAB_PAR_VIEW - Condition: Selection Criteria - Condition Table Level

RFICO_PROD_CONTAB_ASSIGNED - Assignment Product ---> Condition Table: Table

RFICO_STATE_ASSIGNMENT - Assignment Product ---> Condition Table: Status


RFICO_VIEW_PRODUCT - FICO: Relevant Attributes for Product from Condition View

RFICO_VIEW_PRODUCT_LANGU_INCL - FICO: Relevant Attributes for Product from Condition View

RFICO_WORKFLOW_ASSIGNMENT_KEY - Structure: Keystring - Workflow for Cond. Table Assignment

RFICO_WORKFLOW_ASSNMENT1_DATA - Structure: Workflow Assignment 1 - Condition Table Data

RFICO_WORKFLOW_ASSNMENT2_DATA - Structure: Workflow Assignment 2 - Condition Table Data

RFICO_WORKFLOW_VERSION_DATA - Structure: Workflow - Condition Table Version Data

RFICO_WORKFLOW_VERSION_KEY - Structure: Keystring - Workflow for Condition Table Version

RFICO_WORKFLOW_ZUORDNUNG_KEY - Structure: Keystring - Workflow for Cond. Table Assignment

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