Select data from sap tables RHB

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RHB7_SUGGEST - Standard Values for Financing

RHBAUS00_TS_OUTPUT - Output Type

RHBAUS00_TS_PRFL - Profiles


RHBAUS00_TS_USR_PRFL - User Profile

RHBM001 - Funds precommitment interface structure

RHBM002 - Funds commitment interface structure

RHBM003 - Structure for Distributing Expenditure to FM Account Assgmnt

RHBM004 - Structure for Document Keys

RHBN001 - Structure for Output Types

RHBY001 - Key structure for integration HHM - HR-PM

RHBY002 - Transfer structure for budget objects

RHBY003 - Transfer structure for object information

RHBY004 - Transfer structure for structure information

RHBY005 - Transfer structure for budget values

RHBY006 - Enhanced Transfer Structure for Structure Information

RHBY007 - Transfer Structure for Hierarchy of BS Element Types

RHB_MASSFIN - HR-FPM: Structure for FUGR RHB_MASSFIN, Mass Financing

RHB_MASSFIN_HEADER - Header Structure for Mass Financing

RHB_PLANNING - Structure for Position Planning

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