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RIMAK - Include-structure for approp. request with change indicator

RIMAKA - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAKPA - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAKPGES - Appropriation request: Percentage distributions (overall)

RIMAKPI - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAKPS - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAKPU - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAKPW - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAKT - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAKZ - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAKZS - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMARA_LIST_CHARACTERISTIC - MARAV List- Data Elements for Classification Characteristics

RIMAT000 - Output Structure for the Material Where-used List

RIMAV - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAVC - Include 'Copied Calculations' with Change Indicator

RIMAVT - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMAVZ - Change document structure; generated by RSSCD000

RIMCHC - IM Summarization: Leading characteristics

RIMCKC - IM Summarization: Characteristics that specify key figures

RIMCMC - IM Summarization: Characteristics that are master data

RIMCV - IM Summarization: Amount fields

RIMHIS01 - Structure for List Display of RIMHIS00

RIMOBJTYPE - Selection of an Object Type

RIMPH1 - Output Structure for Report RIMPHIER

RIMPH2 - Output Structure for Report RIMPHIST: ITEM Lines

RIMPR - CI Program Position + Update Indicator

RIMPS - IMPS Table + Update Indicator

RIMPT1 - Output Structure for Report RIMPHIST: HEADER Lines

RIMPU - CI Program Position Texts + Update Indicator

RIMR0 - Function Group IMR0 I/O Fields (MeasPoints and MeasDocs)

RIMR01 - API Structure for Inserting a Measurement Document

RIMR02 - API Struct: Insert Measurement Document (Incl. EXCHG, TOTEX)

RIMR03 - API Structure for Inserting Measurement Document

RIMR03_UP - Update Structure for IO Fields of Function Grp IMR0 (RIMR0)

RIMR0C - Transfer Structure for Measuring Point Objects

RIMR7 - IA Fields of Function Group IMR7 (MeasReading Entry List)

RIMR_RADIO_CNT - Radio Buttons for Variants of Counter Reading Display

RIMTP - CI Program + Update Indicator

RIMTT - CI Program Text + Update Indicator

RIMZO - IMZO + Update Indicator

RIMZR - IMZR + Update Indicator

RIM_LEVEL - Pointer Table: Position ID -> Level within Subtree

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