Select data from sap tables RM6

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Display SAP table details

RM60B - Input Fields: Characteristic Groups

RM60C - Display structure: usage probabilities - charac. planning

RM60CNAM - Name of statistics columns

RM60CUVT - Structure for planning table contents

RM60DRL - Create Relevance for Planning directly

RM60E - In/output fields for SAPMM60E

RM60G - In/output fields for graphic function module

RM60L - In/output fields for SAPMM60X

RM60LOG - Structure LOG for characteristics planning

RM60LOGKEY - Key for runtime object LPDX log

RM60M - PP Demand Mgmnt ----- XXl Interface -- I/O fields SAPMM60M

RM60P - Structure: Planning Using Characteristics Groups

RM60PHVP - Relevance for Planning header

RM60PLVP - Relevance for Planning data

RM60PROF - Planning profile structure

RM60PSVP - Relevance for Planning lines

RM60R - In/output fields for reorg. demand management (RM60R...)

RM60REL - Structure: Relevance for Planning

RM60STRING - Output characteristic values combinatn

RM60U - Data transfer table for planned independent requirements

RM60V - In/output fields reference

RM60X - In/Output Fields for SAPMM60X

RM61A - In/Output Fields : Repetitive Manufacturing Backflush

RM61B - Input/Output Fields for Backflushing in Repetitive Mfg

RM61B_GRUND - Structure for Goods Movement - Reason Code

RM61C - I/O fields for SAPMM61C (Customizing MRP)

RM61CU - Input/Output Fields Customizing Rep. Mfg

RM61D - Screen Table Forecast with MRP Area

RM61E - Pull List: General Input/Output Fields

RM61E1 - Pull List: Inout/Output Fields, Collective Display

RM61E2 - Pull List: Input/Output Fields, Individual Display

RM61E3 - Pull List: Other Input/Output Fields

RM61EK - Pull List: Fields for Print Header

RM61F - Input/Output Fields

RM61H - Firming planned orders: input/output fields

RM61HELP - Table for Help Info. in Planning Table of Repetitive Mfg

RM61I - PP planning periods: input/output fields

RM61J - Online Structure for Entering Actual Activities

RM61K - In/output fields SAPLDATD (calendar display,...)

RM61L - In/output fields for long-term planning

RM61M - MPS evaluation: input/output fields

RM61N - MPS evaluation: input/output fields table maintenance

RM61O - Pegging: input/output fields

RM61P - In/output fields for processing planned orders

RM61R - In/output fields

RM61S - Input/output fields: serial number maintenance

RM61U - Input/output fields for SAPMM61U

RM61W - Screen table for forecast

RM61X - Input/output field for SAPMM61X

RM61Z - In/output fields for processing number ranges

RM63A - IO fields for the installn/dismtlg of equipment (SAPLIEL1)

RM63A_SEL - Inst/Dism. of equipment: object selection

RM63A_VGL - Data transf: inst/dism. equip. and config. of EquipHiers

RM63E - IO fields in SAPMIEQ0

RM63H - I/O field for equipment hierarchies (SAPLIEL2)

RM63S - I/O Fields for Permit Management

RM63T - IO fields for the maintenance of MultilingTxts (SAPLITX1)

RM63Z - IO fields for EQUZ window

RM63Z_READ - Transfer table for EQUZ records on EQUIPMENT_READ

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