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RNOBJECTKEY - IS-H: Type, Key, and Reference of an Object

RNOCCDAT - IS-H: Occupancy Figures Inpatient Org. Units per Day

RNOCCUPYING_TODAY_TOMORROW - IS-H: Occupancy Data for Today and Tomorrow

RNOMMAP - Structure for Mapping Information

RNOMMAP_INSTN - Structure for Mapping Information for institution

RNOM_1002_MIG - Structure for Infotype 1002

RNOM_1002_SAVE - Saving Structure for Infotype 1002

RNOM_BU_HIER - Hierarchy Information for Organizational Units

RNOM_LOG_HANDLER - Structure for Log Management

RNOM_MIGR_EXEC_INFO - Structure with Migration Info for Every Phase

RNOM_OU_HIER - Hierarchy Information for Organizational Units

RNOM_PERDIEM - IS-H: Department Per Diem Of OM

RNOM_SCREEN_MAP - Mapping Structure for Screen Migration

RNOM_T_ADDRESS - Structure for Addresses

RNOM_T_BU - Structure for Infotypes Building Units

RNOM_T_BU_FCLTY - Structure for Facilities Characteristics

RNOM_T_BU_PLNG - Structure for Planning Characteristics

RNOM_T_COMMON - Structure for Common Infotypes

RNOM_T_OU - Structure for Infotypes Organizational Units

RNOM_T_OU_ADDNL - Additional Infotypes for Organizational Units

RNORDER - Assigned order number

RNORGHI - IS-H: Structure for period-related org. hierarchy


RNOTHERDET - ISH: Structure for other posting details

RNOTIFCATCOTP - Generated Table for View

RNOTIFCOGRPTP - Generated Table for View

RNOTIFOBJPCGRPTP - Generated Table for View

RNOTIFOBJPRTTP - Generated Table for View

RNOTIFODMGCGRPTP - Generated Table for View

RNOTIFOVWDMGTP - Generated Table for View

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