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RNSBEW - IS-H: Structure for funct. mod. ISH_SPLIT_AND_COMPLETE_NBEW

RNSBEWFA - IS-H: Structure for transferring movements with departm. OU

RNSBEWORG - IS-H: Structure for transferring movements with departm. OU

RNSBEW_MOVTAB - IS-H: Structure for Movement Overview

RNSBEW_MOVTAB_TEXTS - IS-H: Structure for Movement Overview - Texts

RNSBWIDT - IS-H: Structure for Transferring Movement Date

RNSCR_PARENT - IS-H: Container for Screen Class

RNSDO_ADM - IS-H: Structure for Administrative Information of SDO

RNSDO_HEADER - IS-H: Structure for Header Details of SDO

RNSDO_ITEM - IS-H: Structure for the Item Details of SDO

RNSDO_STD - IS-H: Structure for the Standard Fields in Italy for SDO

RNSEINRI - IS-H: Structure for transferring instit. to stat. func.mod.

RNSELKTART - IS-H: Structure for Insurance Provider Type Multiple Select.

RNSELNLEI - IS-H: Structure for Service Multiple Selection

RNSELNORG - IS-H: Structure for Org. Unit Multiple Selection

RNSELNRLS - ISH-SE: Structure for service sequence number

RNSELNVVF - IS-H: Structure for Insurance Relationship Multiple Select.

RNSEPATMRG - IS-H: Structure for Patient Merge Services

RNSEPA_S_ADMIN_EXT - Administrative Data for SEPA Mandate (External Fields)

RNSEQ - IS-H: Aux. Structure for Interface Parameters in N088

RNSERVDET - ISH: Structure for posting details of performed service

RNSERVICE00 - IS-H: Service Data Structure for Service Entry

RNSERVICE01 - IS-H: Service Data Structure for Service Entry




RNSERVICE02 - IS-H: Service Data Structure for Service Entry

RNSERVICE_FORM - IS-H: Structure for Form-Based Service Entry

RNSERVICE_SCREEN - IS-H: Fields for Screen for NMDS

RNSERVICE_TO_SEND - Services to upload.

RNSERV_AMOUNT - IS-H: Service Structure for Procedure Generation

RNSE_ACCRUAL - General information about an accrual of a case

RNSE_ACCR_QUERY - Query structure for accrual calculation

RNSE_ACCR_RESULT - Result structure for Accrual Calculation

RNSE_ADDR_SELECTION - Selection structure for Search according to address criteria

RNSE_AGE_RANGE - Age range

RNSE_DIAGN_ID - Structure for diagnosis IDs

RNSE_DISPL_DATA - Structure for Display of

RNSE_EINRI_RNG - Range Structure for Institution

RNSE_ENC_BY_ID_SELECTION - Selection Structure to find encounter by ID

RNSE_ENC_INTERNAL - DO-NOT-USE (->rnse_enc_int_out)

RNSE_ENC_INT_IN - IS-H: Inbound Internal Structure for Movement

RNSE_ENC_INT_OUT - IS-H: Outbound Internal Structure for an Encounter

RNSE_ENC_RD_INT_IN - IS-H:Inbound Internal Structure for Patient Encounter Record

RNSE_IDENTIFICATION - Structure of one item of the identification node

RNSE_MVMT_ALL - DO-NOT-USE (-> rnse_mvmt_dep_all_out)

RNSE_MVMT_DEP_ALL_IN - IS-H: Movement and its Dependent Details

RNSE_MVMT_DEP_ALL_OUT - IS-H: Movement and its Dependent Details

RNSE_MVMT_LTEXT - Long Texts of Movement

RNSE_MVMT_RESULT - Result structure for movement selection

RNSE_MVMT_RESULT_EXPORT - ISH: Export structure for service 'Get data for Patient'

RNSE_MVMT_SELECTION - Selection Structures to find movements

RNSE_NBEW_SELECTION - Structure for select on table NBEW

RNSE_NBEW_SGL_SEL - Structure for single selection on table NBEW

RNSE_NBEW_STATE_SEL - Selection according to plan state

RNSE_NFAL_SELECTION - Structure for select on table NFAL

RNSE_NFPZ_DATA - IS-H: Case to Person Assignment Data

RNSE_NPAT_SELECTION_4_QUERY - Selection structure for key fields on NPAT

RNSE_NPAT_SEL_4_QUERY_KEY - Selection structure for key fields on NPAT

RNSE_NPAT_SEL_4_QUERY_NON_KEY - Selection structure for non key fields on NPAT

RNSE_OUTBOUND_INTERNAL_S42 - leading movement and all movements to case


RNSE_PAT_ENC_LTEXT - Long Texts of Patient Encounter

RNSE_PHYSICIAN_SELECTION - Selection structure for phyisicians

RNSE_PROC_ID - Structure for procedure IDs

RNSE_TIME_SELECTION - Date selection

RNSFALAR - IS-H: Structure for transferring case types to statist. FM

RNSFALNR - IS-H: Structure for transferring org. units to statist. FM

RNSFHDIA - IS-H: Structure for Transfer of Department Main Diagnoses

RNSGSCHL - IS-H: Structure for transferring sex to statist. FM

RNSHR - IS-H: Structure for Record Information Function Module

RNSICICP - IS-H: Structure for evaluations via ICPM/ICDs

RNSIS - Structure Containing Social Insurance

RNSJ11 - IS-H: Message Body for SH Request Message SJ11

RNSK52 - IS-H: Structure for billing days of statistics K5.2

RNSKHDIA - IS-H: Structure for Transfer of Department Main Diagnoses

RNSKLASS - IS-H: Structure for funct. module ISH_READ_STAT_CLASS

RNSKT - IS-H: Structure for totals per payer when invoice created

RNSKZ - Structure for Transferring Statistical Key Figures

RNSLEIST - IS-H: Structure for Trandferring Service to Stat. FM

RNSNDRTECH_LFDNR - Map Sender technical ID to Diagnosis Seq number (internal)

RNSORGID - IS-H: Structure for transferring org. units to statist. FM

RNSORT - IS-H: Structure for sorting lists

RNSPAT - IS-H: Structure for statistics with case data

RNSPE_ADDNL - IS-H: Structure for Additional Specialty

RNSPLIT - IS-H: Structure table for OU split in movement records

RNSRANGES - IS-H: Structure for transferring org. units to statist. FM

RNSRT - IS-H: Sort Fields and Sort Sequence for Collective Bill SG

RNSRVP_ATTR - Attributes of a Provisional Service

RNSRVP_ATTR_GENERAL - IS-H: General Attribs for Service-Based Appointment Search

RNSRVP_ATTR_LIST - IS-H: List of Attribs for Service-Based Appt Search w/Texts

RNSRVP_ATTR_TEXT - IS-H: Attributes of Service-Based Appt Search with Texts

RNSRVP_KEY - Key Fields for a Provisional Service

RNSRVP_LIST_LINE - Struc. for List of Provisional Services for an Appointment

RNSRVP_X - Modifiable Attributes of a Provisional Service

RNSTAT - IS-H: INTTAB table for statistical evaluations

RNSTD - Standardized Fields

RNSTD_DI - Standardized Fields for Direct Input

RNSTI_AN - IS-H: Structure for storing Sx technical ID and action numbe

RNSUMCD - IS-H: Summary Code

RNSVAR - Structure for Selection Variants

RNSVC - IS-H: Completeness of Services per Case

RNS_FAL_BEW - IS-H: Case and Movement Data - Movement-Related Evaluations

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