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RRO01_SX_BUGR - Elimination of Internal Business Volume Group

RRO01_SX_CS - Constant Selections

RRO01_SX_CUDIM - Currency Conversion (Old RR001_S_CU)


RRO01_SX_LRECH - Formula

RRO01_SX_LRECH_ID - lrech line with ID

RRO01_SX_MPR - MultiProvider Resources: FEMS, Group-by Chars per PartProv.

RRO01_SX_ODBO - ODBO Buffered Information

RRO01_SX_OREF - Objects from Generation

RRO01_SX_VAR - Table of All Variables

RRO01_SX_VARIABLE - Tables for Variable Processing

RRO01_SX_WGR - Description of Storage and Aggregation Table

RRO01_SX_XAC - Attributes and Their Reference Characteristic(s)

RRO01_S_BKYF_DEP - bkyfnmid and dependent bkyfnmids...

RRO01_S_BNR - BNR with Details

RRO01_S_BU_PAIR - Sender-Receiver Pair for Elimination of Internal Bus. Volume

RRO01_S_CHADEP - Characteristic with Dependants

RRO01_S_COA - CHABASNM for Characteristics with Navigation Attributes

RRO01_S_CTTNM - Currency Translation Types

RRO01_S_CUDIM_LRECH - line of cudim/lrech table (formula step)

RRO01_S_CUDIM_LRECH_ID - line of cudim/lrech table with ID

RRO01_S_DEBUGFLAGS - Flags for Debugging a Query

RRO01_S_DEP_VARIABLES - Information on dependent variables

RRO01_S_IC_VAL - Validity Slice Characteristic

RRO01_S_LOOKUP - Replacement from...

RRO01_S_LRECH_AGGR - Exception Aggregation of Formulas

RRO01_S_MPH - Information for MultiProvider Hint

RRO01_S_MPR - Return Felds for SIDRET or KEYRET

RRO01_S_PARTPROV - Description of SubCube

RRO01_S_PN - Ncumtims

RRO01_S_STOCK_COVER - Stock Coverage

RRO01_S_VCHECK - Additional Checks

RRO01_S_VREP_CMP - Compounding Information

RRO04_S_CUSTOMER - Structure for Customer Exit

RROBED - Struc. for describing complex conditions

RROCHA - Free or navigation chars in the report

RROCHA1 - Free or navigation characteristics in report (part 1)

RROCHA2 - Free or navigation chars in the report

RROCHAFIX - Fixed Characteristics

RROCHAFR - Free or navigation chars in the report

RROSH - Hierarchies

RROTEXTPAR - Text parameters for drill down

RROVARFL - Description of report variables

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