Select data from sap tables RRT

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Display SAP table details

RRTIME - Names of time-related fields

RRT_ATTRIBS - Structure of the attribute table

RRT_AXIS - Parser output with axis_spec information

RRT_AXISDATA_MNDTRY_PRPTYS - Mandatory properties of an axis rowset

RRT_AXIS_DIMENSIONS - Structure for array with dimension names

RRT_AXIS_LEVELS - Levels projected on an axis of a dataset

RRT_CATALOGS - Catalogs of the BW server (InfoCubes)

RRT_CELL - Data available for a single MDX Dataset cell

RRT_CELL_INT - Internal representation of a dataset cell

RRT_CELL_PROPERTIES - Cell properties

RRT_CMD - Tensor processor command with parameters

RRT_CMDPARAMS - Structure for including mdx Identifier components

RRT_CMD_TXT - Structure for transport of mdx statements in tables

RRT_COORD_TUPLE - Tuple of coordinates

RRT_CUBES - Information about available Cubes

RRT_DETAILS - ODBO Object details

RRT_DIMENSIONS - Information about dimensions in a given Cube

RRT_DIM_PRPTYS - Dimension prptys of lvls projected on an axis

RRT_DISPLAY_INFO - Information for the display of a member on an axis

RRT_FLTCOLINFO - Column info for flattened dataset

RRT_FSDATA - Transport structure for flattened dataset

RRT_FS_DATA - Transport structure for flattened dataset

RRT_FS_DATA_LARGE - Transportstructure for Flattened Dataset - more than 1000000

RRT_GEN - General fields of the BIW Tensor interface

RRT_HIERARCHIES - Information about the hierarchies available in a dimension

RRT_LEVELS - Information about the levels available in a dimension

RRT_MDAXISINFO - Information about an axis of an MD dataset object

RRT_MDAXISPROPS - Properties of axis members

RRT_MDCELLDATA - Data available for a single MD Dataset cell

RRT_MDCOORDINFO - Information about number of members on an md dataset axis

RRT_MDHRYINFO - Tensor hierarchy information of a dimension member

RRT_MDPROP - Properties and their characteristics for data source info

RRT_MDX255 - Table structure for any MDX$

RRT_MDX_CMD_INFO - Directory of MDX Commands

RRT_MDX_FCT - Generated Table for View

RRT_MDX_FUNCTION - MDX functions rowset

RRT_MDX_FUNCTIOT - Functions in MDX (Texts)

RRT_MDX_LOG - Log for MDX Interface

RRT_MDX_SCHEMA - Fixed Schemata for XML for Analysis


RRT_MDX_TEST - MDX Commands for Testing

RRT_MEASURES - Information about available measures

RRT_MEMBERS - Information about available members for a given dimension

RRT_MEMEXPRPRMS - Parameters of a member value expression

RRT_MEM_UNAMS - Member Unique Name

RRT_MESSAGES - Messages of the OLAP API

RRT_MNDTRY_PRPTYS_INT - Internal structure for axis data

RRT_OBJECTS - Transfer structure for ODBO object names (Member, dimension)

RRT_OBJ_DETAILS - ODBO Object details

RRT_OPTION_PRPTYS - Values for a prpty_key

RRT_OPTION_PRPTYS_KEYS - Key for a dim_unam, prpty_nam combination

RRT_OPTION_PRPTYS_VALS - Values for a prpty_key

RRT_OPTMEM_PRPTYS_KEYS - Key for a dim_unam, prpty_nam combination

RRT_OPTMEM_PRPTYS_VALS - Values for a prpty_key

RRT_OPT_PRPTYS_KEYS - Keys for optional dimension prpertys (internal use)

RRT_ORDINALS - Help Structure for Renumbering with NON EMPTY

RRT_PARAMETERS - Structure of the OLE DB for OLAP Parameter Schema Rowsets

RRT_PROPERTIES - Available properties for a level of a dimension

RRT_PROPERTIES_VALUES - Values for a prpty_key

RRT_RESTRICTIONS - Schema and catalog restrictions on md schema rowsets

RRT_SELCAT - Directory of the selections in an MDX$

RRT_SETCAT - Directory of the sets in an MD data set

RRT_SETEXPRPARAMS - Parameters of a set_value_expression

RRT_SRX_PARAM - Parameters

RRT_S_AXIS_DIMS_INT - Dimensions

RRT_TRACE - MDX Parser trace/debug information

RRT_VARIABLES - Struct. of the OLE DB for OLAP SAP_VARIABLES schema rowsets

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