SAP T-Code search on MG
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MGMT - Device Configuration
MGMT_ADMIN - Device Configuration
MGMT_AUTHORITY - Edit Authorizations
MGMT_CUSTOMIZING - Screen Control for Device Config.
MGMT_DEV_IDTXT - Assign Text to Device ID
MGMT_PARA - Assign Configuration Parameters
MGMT_PARA_COND - Parameter Conditions
MGMT_PARA_PATT - Set Device Configuration Parameters
MGMT_PARA_PROP - Get Parameter Properties
MGMT_SERVICE - Assign Agents to Monitoring Function
MGMT_TYPES - Device Configuration - Types
MGVEXTOBJ - Maintain Mass Maintenance Objects
MGV_CORRECT - Checks + Corrects Quantity Structure
MGV_MAPALE - Mapping externa/internal number ALE
MGV_OMSL - Maintain TMCNV for long material no.
MGW0 - Create Components for Set Material
MGW1 - Display Components for Set Material
MGW2 - Create Components for Display Matl
MGW3 - Display Components for Display Matl
MGW4 - Create Components for Prepack Matl
MGW5 - Display Components for Prepack Matl
MGW6 - Create Components for Full Product
MGW7 - Display Components for Full Product
MGW8 - Change Components for Set Material
MGW9 - Change Components for Display Matl
MGWA - Change Components for Prepack
MGWB - Change Components for Full Product
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