Select data from sap tables AUT

Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

Display SAP table details

AUTAB - Structure to set up order

AUTAB_PS - Extended AUTAB with flags to control data read used in PS

AUTDEB_ES_GENTOT - Spain:FI-CA: General Total Record

AUTDEB_ES_INDVREC - Spain:FI-CA: Compulsory Individual Record

AUTDEB_ES_ISSHDR - Spain:FI-CA: Issuer Header

AUTDEB_ES_ISSTOT - Spain:FI-CA: Issuer Total Record

AUTDEB_ES_SUBHDR - Spain:FI-CA: Submitter Header

AUTDELTTXID - Long Text Objects Not To Be Logged on DBTABLOG

AUTDTELLOG - Customizing for Change Document Creation

AUTDTELLOGT - Text Table for Customizing of Change Document Creation

AUTHA - Authorization Fields for Application Departments

AUTHABA - Authorization fields ABA

AUTHACTEQUPEVAL - Generated Table for View

AUTHAGG - Customer Fields for Table AUTHA

AUTHA_AUTO - Additional Fields for Table AUTHA - IBU Automotive

AUTHB - SAP Basis Authorization Fields

AUTHBGG - Structure for SMP

AUTHBIW - Authorization fields for Business Information Warehouse

AUTHCLASS - ABAP/4 Dict.: Control String for Checking Activation Type

AUTHDB2 - Authorization Fields for DB2/390

AUTHDDFI0 - Batch record for DD Authorization format: Finnland

AUTHDDFI1 - Authorization record for DDebiting format: Finnland

AUTHDDFI9 - SUM-UP record for DD Autorization format: Finnland

AUTHEN_DATA - CRM_EIC : Authentication Structure

AUTHEN_QUEST - CRM_EIC : Authentication Questions Structure

AUTHFIELD_VALS - Values for an Authorization Field

AUTHHR - Authorization Fields for Application Departments

AUTHO - Authorization fields created up to the end of 1992

AUTHOBJCTACTVT - Generated Table for View

AUTHOBJ_USER_SYS - Authorization Fields of Authorization Object S_USER_SYS

AUTHOLAP - Template Structure for Generated Authorization Fields

AUTHORIZATION_FOR_OBJECT - Authorizations for an Authorization Object

AUTHPRFLACTY - Generated Table for View

AUTHPROFILES - Generated Table for View

AUTHSET - Authorization Data

AUTHVALINTERVAL - authorization value interval

AUTHX - Authorization Fields (Maintain with SU20)

AUTHX_ATTR - Authorization Fields - Attributes (Maintenance with SU20)

AUTH_FLDINFO_TMP - Authorization fields: technical info from dictionary


AUTH_VH_ACTIVITY - Value Help for Activity


AUTO_OVERT - Automatic Overtime

AUTTAB - FI: Help Structure for Checking in Doc.Entry Variants

AUTTABLOG - Customizing for Table Logging

AUTTABLOGT - Text Table for Customizing of Table Logging

AUTTRANSLOG - Customizing, Assignment of Transaction/Objects via AUT02

AUT_ARCH_ADM - Administrative Data for Long Texts in Archiving

AUT_ARCH_HIST - History for Archiving of Long Text Logs

AUT_C_DELTTXID - Audit Trail (ILM): DBTABLOG Long Text Obj. w/o Logging

AUT_C_DTELLOG - Audit Trail (ILM): Customizing Change Document Creation

AUT_C_DTELLOGT - Audit Trail (ILM): Text Table Customizing Change Document

AUT_C_TABLOG - Audit Trail (ILM): Customizing of Table Logging

AUT_C_TABLOGT - Audit Trail (ILM): Text Table Customizing Table Log

AUT_C_TEST_0 - Audit Trail (ILM): Test Table 0

AUT_C_TEST_1 - Audit Trail (ILM): Test Table 1

AUT_C_TEST_2 - Audit Trail (ILM): Test Table 2

AUT_C_TRANSLOG - Audit Trail (ILM): Assignment Transaction/Objects (S_AUT02)

AUT_DBTABLOG_STXH - Header Data of Long Texts in Archiving

AUT_DBTABLOG_STXL_A - Item Data of Long Texts in Archiving (A)

AUT_DBTABLOG_STXL_B - Item Data for Long Texts in Archiving (B)

AUT_D_ARCH_HIST - Audit Trail (ILM): History Archiving Long Text Logs

AUT_D_ARKEY - Administration of Read Archive Records

AUT_D_DBTABLOG - Audit Trail (ILM): Storage of Archived Table Logs

AUT_D_ILM_CDHDR - Audit Trail (ILM): Storage Change Document Headers (ILM)

AUT_D_ILM_CDPOS - Audit Trail (ILM): Storage Change Document Items (ILM)

AUT_D_ILM_CD_STR - Audit Trail (ILM): Storage for Change Docs (STRING Values)

AUT_D_ILM_CD_UID - Audit Trail (ILM): Storage of Addl Data (TABKEY > 70 Chars)

AUT_D_STXH_ARCH - Audit Trail (ILM): Buffer/Rekeying Table Archiving

AUT_D_STXL_ARCH - Audit Trail (ILM): Buffer/Rekeying Table Archiving

AUT_I_STXL - Audit Trail (ILM): SAPscript Text File Lines (Dummy Table)

AUT_RCXXB - Collective Structure for Digital Signatures

AUT_STXH_ARCH - Buffer and Conversion Table for Archiving

AUT_STXL - SAPscript Text File Lines: Dummy Table for Audit Trails

AUT_STXL_ARCH - Buffer and Conversion Table for Archiving

AUT_S_ACCNR_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Doc. for Chnge (Sel.)

AUT_S_ADRP - Example Structure for Table Key Conversion

AUT_S_ARCH_ADM - Audit Trail (ILM): Administrative Data Long Texts Archiving

AUT_S_ARKEY_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Key Archive File

AUT_S_CHANGENR_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure Change Doc. Number (Sel.)

AUT_S_DATE_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Time Interval (Sel.)

AUT_S_DBTABLOG_ARC - Audit Trail (ILM): Long Text Log Entry (Enhanced)

AUT_S_DBTABLOG_STXH - Audit Trail (ILM): Header Data Long Texts in Archiving

AUT_S_DBTABLOG_STXL_A - Audit Trail (ILM): Item Data Long Texts (A) Archiving

AUT_S_DBTABLOG_STXL_B - Audit Trail (ILM): Item Data Long Texts (B) Archiving

AUT_S_DBTABLOG_TAB - Audit Trail (ILM): Table Logs

AUT_S_FIELD_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Field Name (Sel.)

AUT_S_HOSTN_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Host Name (Sel.)

AUT_S_LOGID_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure Log ID (Sel.)

AUT_S_LOGKEY_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Log Key (Sel.)

AUT_S_MANDT_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Client (Sel.)

AUT_S_OBJECTCL_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure Change Doc. Obj. (Sel.)

AUT_S_OBJECTID_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Object Values (Sel.)

AUT_S_OPTYPE_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Change Type (Sel.)

AUT_S_PLCNR_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Struct. for Planned Changes (Sel.)

AUT_S_PROGN_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Program Name (Sel.)

AUT_S_SAPSCRIPT_OBJECTS - Audit Trail (ILM): Configuration Long Text Table Log

AUT_S_SEL_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Selection Options

AUT_S_TABKEY_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure Table Keys (Sel.)

AUT_S_TABNAME_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Table Name (Sel.)

AUT_S_TCODE_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range-Structure for Transaction (Sel.)

AUT_S_TDID_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Text ID (Sel.)

AUT_S_TDNAME_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Struct. for Text Object Name (Sel.)

AUT_S_TDOBJ_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Applic. Obj. (Sel.)

AUT_S_TIME_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Date Interval (Sel.)

AUT_S_WPCNR_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Unset Changes (Sel.)

AUT_S_XUBNAME_RANGE - Audit Trail (ILM): Range Structure for Changer (Sel.)

AUT_TEST_0 - Audit Trail Test Table 0

AUT_TEST_1 - Audit Trail Test Table 1

AUT_TEST_2 - Audit Trail Test Table 2

AUT_V_ARCH_H_ASS - Generated Table for View

AUT_V_ARCH_L_ASS - Generated Table for View

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