Select data from sap tables BUK

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BUKF_CAT - Key Figures - Category

BUKF_CATDSRC - Key Figures - Category/Data source relation

BUKF_CAT_T - Key Figures - Category Texts

BUKF_DSRC - Key Figures - Data source

BUKF_DSRC_FIELD - Key Figures - Data source field

BUKF_DSRC_T - Key Figures - Texts for Data Sources

BUKF_FG - Key Figures - Field group

BUKF_FG_FIELD - Key Figures - Fields of field group

BUKF_FG_T - Key Figures - Texts for Field Groups

BUKF_FIELD_VALUE - Key Figures - Data source fields checks per category

BUKF_KF - Key Figures - Key Figure

BUKF_KFCAT - Key Figures - Key Figure/Category relation

BUKF_KFDSRC - Key Figures - Key Figure Datasources relation

BUKF_KF_T - Key Figures - Texts for Key Figures

BUKF_S_CAT - Key Figures - Category

BUKF_S_CAT_GRID_SEL - Key Figures - Category selection

BUKF_S_DSRC - Key Figures - Data source

BUKF_S_DSRC_FIELD - Key Figures - Data source field

BUKF_S_DSRC_GRID_SEL - Key Figures - Data sources selection

BUKF_S_FG - Key Figures - Field group and text

BUKF_S_FILTER - Key Figures - Filter

BUKF_S_KF_EVAL - Key Figures - Key Figure evaluation parameters

BUKF_S_KF_GRID_COLOR - Key Figures - Struture to display 1 Key Figure with color

BUKF_S_KF_HEADER - Key Figures - Key Figure header

BUKF_S_MVAL - Key Figure - Meta value

BUKF_S_PARAM - Key Figures - Output parameters of the evaluation

BUKF_S_PARAME - Key Figures - Output parameter from the evaluation

BUKF_S_PARAMH - Key Figures - Output parameter of the handler

BUKF_S_PERIOD - Key Figures - Periods (From ... To ...)

BUKMAP - Keymapping for Business partner

BUKMAP1 - Keymapping for Business partner

BUKMAP2 - Keymapping for Business partner

BUKRSINFO - Selected Company Code Fields (Controlling Area Maintenance)

BUKRS_BAL - Tax Data by Company Code for the Adv. Return for Tax on S/P

BUKRS_FIS - Structure for Layout of Company Code Table

BUKRS_RAN - Range structure for company code selection

BUKRS_SUM - RFUMSV00: Totals Sheet for All Company Codes

BUKR_RANGE - Range for Company Code (BUKRS)

BUKUTEXTCAT - Budget Text Categories

BUKUTEXTCATT - Texts for Budget Text Categories

BUKUTEXTTEMPL - Templates for Budget Texts

BUKUTEXTTEMPLT - Texts for Budget Text Templates

BUKUTXTTEMPLVAR - Variables for Budget Text Templates

BUKUTXTTEMPLVART - Texts for Variables in Budget Text Templates

BUKU_S_BADI_GENKEYPART - Generic key part (BADI)

BUKU_S_BADI_TVALXXPART - Budget value fields in transaction currency

BUKU_S_GENKEYPART - Generic key part

BUKU_S_GENKEYPART0 - Generic Key part + TCURR

BUKU_S_GENKEYPART1 - Generic key part + TCURR + RPMAX

BUKU_S_MSG - Budgeting - Message

BUKU_S_PROCESS_ATTRIBUTES - Process attributes

BUKU_S_PTCOMBINATION - Combination of process and budget type

BUKU_S_PTCOMB_AUTHGR - Structure for combinations + authorization group

BUKU_S_PTGCOMB_AUTHGR - Structure for combinations + authorization using BT group

BUKU_S_SELCRITTABS - Selection criteria tables for generic budgeting fields

BUKU_S_SIGN_PROCESS - Sign convention for process (Database <-> User Interface )

BUKU_S_TVALXXPART - Budget value fields in transaction currency

BUKU_S_USERLOG - Kernel Utilities - User Log

BUKU_S_VALBUD_TYPE - Value type - Budget type

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