Select data from sap tables C_NF

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Display SAP table details

CCNFINSTMNTBAL - Generated Table for View

CCNFINSTMNTPNL - Generated Table for View

CCNFINSTMNTUBAL - Generated Table for View

CCNFINSTMNTUBCNT - Generated Table for View

CCNFPRLEMLTMPL - Generated Table for View

CCNFPRLHEADER - Generated Table for View

CCNFPRLITEMS - Generated Table for View

CFNFX - SAP-EIS: Key figure token table

CINFFACTCUR - Generated Table for View

CINFLEVENTSTP - Generated Table for View

CINFRECAUTSRCVH - Generated Table for View

CINFRECMATVH - Generated Table for View

CINFRECUPDTCODT - Generated Table for View

CONFCO - Transfer structure for confirmations with work

CONFEKPO - Structure for Transfer of Table FEKPO to Customer

CONFER - Transfer structure for errors from confirmation

CONFI - Internal Work Area for Additional Configuration Data

CONFIG_CHR - Recording data for each special record (config_def w/char20)

CONFIG_CLASS_S - Structure for configuration class

CONFIG_DEF - Recording data for each special record

CONFIG_OBJ_HIER - Structure for Configurable Object Hierarchy

CONFIRMATION_PROTOCOL - Log for Confirmation from HVOM

CONFIRMED_EXPECTED_OVERALL_LM1 - Proxy Structure (generated)



CONFL_OBJ - Transport Object Triggers Conflict

CONFNR - Configuration object number temporary/new

CONFPA - Interface parameters in confirmation

CONFPP06 - Customer-Specific Actual Data Transfer for Milestone Conf.

CONF_ACTI - Actual activites for confirmation of operation

CONF_AFRP0_KEY - Key fields for planned confirmation table

CONF_BASC - Basic data for confirmation of order/operation

CONF_CANCEL - Cancellation of Confirmation

CONF_DATO - Actual dates for operation confirmation

CONF_DEGR - Degree of processing for confirmation of order/operation

CONF_DEP - Dynamic changes to configuration by dependencies

CONF_FORC - Forecast standard values for operation confirmation

CONF_OBJECTS - Objects for confirmation

CONF_OBJK - Confirmed object key (order/operation)

CONF_OUT - Configuration Output

CONF_OUT_EXT - Configuration Output

CONF_PERS - Actual personnel data for confirmation of operation

CONF_QUAN - Actual quantities for confirmation of order/operation

CONF_TRGT_ACTI - Actual Activites for Confirmation of Operation

CONF_TS_MESSAGE - Messages per Object

CONF_UMB - Completion confirmation data in direct manufacture

CONF_WEBLNR - Confirmation: Document number

CONF_WRKC - Actual work center data for confirmation

CSNFTAB - Subordinate Groups within a BOM

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