Select data from sap tables CCAR

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Display SAP table details

CCARD - Payment Card Master

CCARDEC - Encrypted Payment Card Numbers

CCARDEC_CUST - Encryption of Payment Card Type

CCARDEC_S_BIN - Hash Value and Encryption of a Payment Card

CCARDEC_S_DOC - Hash Value and Encryption with Reference to Doc. Line Item

CCARDEC_V - Generated Table for View

CCARD_COPY - Payment Card Master

CCARD_CVV - Card Verification Value

CCARD_CVV_KK - Card Verification Code (Card Check Number)

CCARD_DAT - Payment Cards (External Data)

CCARD_DATA - Payment Card Master: Data Part

CCARD_DATAX - Update Bar for Fragment 0040 Sales Classification

CCARD_DAT_CHAR - Payment Cards (External Data, CHAR Fields)

CCARD_DAT_NCHR - BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input, Non CHAR Fields)

CCARD_DAT_NCHR_DI - BP: Payment Cards (Direct Input, Non CHAR Fields DI)

CCARD_DI - BP: Payment Cards Master Data (DI)

CCARD_ENC_KK - Payment Cards: Data for Encryption

CCARD_FLDS - Screen Fields Payment Cards

CCARD_GFN - Payment Card Master

CCARD_KEY - Key Structure for Payment Cards

CCARD_LIFK - Payment Cards: List of Billing Documents

CCARD_MASK_KK - Payment Cards: Masked Card Number (Digital Payment)

CCARD_RCVV - Response for Card Verification Value


CCARD_SET - Payment Cards: Fields for SET Processing

CCARD_STAT - Payment Card Master: Status Information

CCARD_USE - Payment Cards: Using one Line

CCARD_VAL - Payment Cards: Open Value per Card

CCARECONCILKEY - Generated Table for View

CCAREPAYMENTREQ - Generated Table for View

CCARETCFO - Generated Table for View

CCARETPAYDOCVH - Generated Table for View

CCARETURNHIST - Generated Table for View

CCARETURNLOTVH - Generated Table for View

CCARETURNRSNVH - Generated Table for View

CCARETURNS - Generated Table for View

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