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Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

Display SAP table details

DDDBFEATURES - DD: Transfer Structure for DB-Specific Features

DDDBFEATURES4LIMITS - DD: DB-specific features that influence DB limits


DDDBFIELDSTRUC - DB-relevant description of DD table fields

DDDBFUNC - DD: Creation/Transport of Database Functions

DDDBOPERA - Virtual table of outstanding DB operations

DDDBOPS - Virtual table of outstanding DB operations

DDDBSPACE - Structure for DBSpaces/Tablespaces

DDDBSTMTHD - DD: Information on DB Statements

DDDBSTMTPAR - DD: Parameters for Generation of Database Statements

DDDBSTMTS - DD: Statements for CDS Objects and Functions


DDDBUTMREQ - Interface for mass processing requests

DDDBUTREFS - DD: Database utility reference fields

DDDB_SPEC_PARAMS - Table for holding dataspace specific parameters (ddstorage)

DDDDLBASEOBJ - DD: Base Object Information DDL Source

DDDDLCHARTYPES - DD: Helper Table for Functions

DDDDLCURRTYPES - DD: Currency Columns


DDDDLGOTSTATE - DD: Result after read of a DDL source

DDDDLNUMTYPES - DD: Helper Table for Functions

DDDDLNUM_DUMMY - DD: Helper Table for Functions

DDDDLOBJADMININFO - DD: Administration info for DDL objects

DDDDLPARNAME - DD: For parameters in views with parameters

DDDDLQUANTYPES - DD: Quantity Columns


DDDDLSRC02BNDT - DD: Text Table for Nodes of Structured Objects

DDDDLSRC02BT - Texts for Structured Objects

DDDDLSRC02BT_V - Generated Table for View

DDDDLSRC03NT - DD: Texts for fields (Language-Dependent) (Struct.Object)

DDDDLSRC08BT - DD: Texts for Association Headers, Structured Objects

DDDDLSRC09B - DD: Technical Settings for Source of Table Entities

DDDDLSRC09BV - DD: Technical Settings for Source of Table Entities

DDDDLSRC10BT - DD: Parameters for Structured Objects, for ex. View Entities

DDDDLSRC12B - DD: Secondary Index Headers for Structured Objects

DDDDLSRC12BT - DD: Text Table for Indexes (Entity Sources)

DDDDLSRC12BV - DD: Secondary Indexes Header for Struct.Objects, Incl.Texts

DDDDLSRC17B - DD: Secondary Indexes Fields for Structured Objects

DDDDLSRC17BV - DD: Secondary Indexes Fields for Structured Objects

DDDDLSRCT - DDL Source Texts

DDDDLSRCV - DD: DDL Source Information

DDDDLSSTATE - Status of Objects

DDDDLSTMT - DD: DDL Statements of activated DDLS

DDDDLS_TR_IMPORT - DD: Currently Imported DDLS Objects

DDDDLVIEWGENINFO - DD: Info on generation of a statement (also view with param)

DDDECIDE - Information about Structure Changes to DB Objects

DDDEPDESCR - Internal Description of a Dependent Object

DDDEPRES - DD: result of handling of dependent objects

DDDEPTAB - DD: Dependencies Sorted By Dependent Objects

DDDFIESCACHE - Export/Import Puffer for Runtime Objects in DFIES Format


DDDOACTRES - DD: Status of domains (activation result)

DDDOMSTATE - DD: Status of domains

DDDOSTATE - Status of Objects

DDDRUL_HEADER - Dependency Rules: Header

DDDRUL_HEADER_T - Dependency Rules: Header texts

DDDRUL_HEADER_V - DD: Dependency Rule Header Information

DDDRUL_PREDICATE - Dependency Rules: Predicates

DDDTDC_ALV_STR - DDDTDC: Structure for ALV display

DDDTDC_CONFIG - Dynamic Cache Configuration

DDDTDC_SOURCE - Dynamic Cache Sourcen

DDDTDC_SOURCE_T - Dynamic Cache texts

DDDTDC_SOURCE_V - DD: Dependency Rule Header Information

DDDTDC_STACK - Tuning Object Stackcode

DDDTEB_DEFNTN - Entity Buffer Definition

DDDTEB_HEADER - Entity Buffer Header

DDDTEB_HEADER_T - Entity Buffer Texts

DDDTEB_HEADER_V - Structure for header data of DTEBs

DDDTRENUPG - DD: Table for Renaming Data Elements During Upgrade

DDDTSTATE - DD: Status of Data Elements

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