Select data from sap tables DY

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Display SAP table details

DY20S - Screen Conversion R/2: Screen Header

DY21S - Screen Conversion R/2: Screen Field List

DY23S - Screen Transport Structure R/2: Matchcode Subkeys

DYCBOX - Combobox output control structure

DYELEMTRSL - Screen Translation: Field Name and Length

DYEL_ATTRS - Screen Element: Important Attributes

DYNA - Field names

DYNABAPHDR - Header Table for Dynamic ABAP Code

DYNABAPSRC - Source Code for Dynamic ABAP Code

DYNAMIC_FUNCTION - Work Structure for Dynamic Function Texts Customer/Vendor

DYNCTRL_GN - Control Changeable Fields in Delivery (WMS)


DYNMACREAD - Fields of Current Screen with Reference to Matchcode Fields

DYNPARAM - Dynamic Parameter

DYNPELEM - Screen Element Handle

DYNPELFLTR - Row for Screen Element Filter

DYNPFIELDS - Screens with Critical Input/Output Fields with Type LANG

DYNPFLD - Screen fields for help modules

DYNPGEN - HR: (Dummy) Field template for screen generator

DYNPLOAD - Screen Loads

DYNPPROPID - Id for an Attribute of a Screen Element

DYNPREAD - Fields of the current screen (with values)

DYNPRO - Field string for screen control in info system


DYNPS - Screens with Critical Input/Output Fields with Type LANG

DYNPSOURCE - Contains Screen Source Information (Compressed)

DYNPTXTLD - Contains Screen Text Loads

DYNPVALUE - Value for Property of a Screen Element

DYNP_EL_DM - Dimension of a Screen Element

DYNP_EL_ID - Unique ID of a Screen Element

DYNP_EL_ST - Display Style of a Screen Element

DYNP_HRNQF_MATCHUP - Dynproverarbeitung: F.gruppe HRNQF_MATCHUP(Selektionsdynpro)

DYNP_LANGU - Structure With Information on Object and Language

DYNP_LIST - List with information on screen entries

DYNP_MDGRS - Modification Groups of a Screen Element

DYNP_MSK - Dynpro Masking Table

DYNP_OBJECT - Screen Processing: Object

DYNP_OTHER - Screen fields: 'Other'

DYNP_PCRIT - HR-PD: Criteria to be Included in Planning


DYNP_RAL_FIELD_CFG - RAL Dynpro: dynpro field value


DYNP_RAL_FIELD_VAL - RAL Dynpro: dynpro field value




DYNP_RAL_MESSAGE - RAL Dynpro: message data

DYNP_RAL_SCREEN - RAL Dynpro: screen meta data

DYNP_RHP0 - Screen Processing: Function Group RHP0 - Settings

DYNP_RHPA - Screen Processing: Function Group RHPA (Appraisal)

DYNP_RHPA_REPORT - Screen Processing: Function Group RHPA_REPORTING

DYNP_RHPD_SEARCH - Screen Processing: Function Group RHPD_SEARCH

DYNP_RHPE - Screen processing: Function Group RHPE

DYNP_RHPP - Screen Processing: Function Group RHPP (Selection Screen)

DYNP_RHPPH - Screen Processing: Function Group RHPP (Header Data)

DYNP_RHPQ - Screen Processing for Function Group RHPQ

DYNP_RHPQ_DATE_SEL - Date Selection

DYNP_RHPQ_DPLANS - RHPQ: Development Plan History

DYNP_RHPQ_STATION - RHPQ: Individual Development Plan Items

DYNP_RHPQ_TAB - RHPQ: Individual Development Plan Items

DYNP_RHPS - Screen Processing: Function Group RHPS

DYNP_RHPT - Screen Processing for Function Group RHPT


DYNP_TC_CP - Position of a Column in Table Control

DYNP_XFNAM - Screen: Enhanced Field Name

DYNTEXT_DEF - Transfer Structure for Dynamic Texts in Menus

DYN_DSPACKAGE - ALE Distribution Packet : Packet Header Data on Screen

DYN_DSPHDR - ALE Distribution Packet : Header Detail Data on Screen

DYN_DSPITM - ALE Distribution Packet : Object List

DYN_DSPSTS - ALE Distribution Packet : Status History

DYN_DSUNITY - ALE Distribution Packet : Unit Data on Screen

DYN_FIELD - Screen: Elements in Element List

DYN_ID_CHR - Screen: Identification (Screen Number as CHAR)

DYN_ID_NUM - Screen: Identification (Screen Number as NUMC)

DYN_NODES - LDB node with dynamic type

DYN_OS - Exercise warrant screen fields

DYN_PAR4DISPLAY - Parameter Evaluation for Tracking Point

DYN_TBD72 - Screen structure

DYN_TUPS00_ATT - ALE Distribution Unit: Central Customizing Settings

DYN_TUPS01T - ALE Distribution Unit: Customizing TDSP01 - Texts

DYN_TUPS01_ATT - ALE Distribution Unit: Cust. TDSP01 - Attributes

DYN_TUPS01_ORD - ALE Distribution Unit: Cust. TDSP01 - Object Types

DYN_TUPS01_TAB - ALE Distribution Unit: Cust. TDSP01 - List

DYN_TUPS02T - ALE Distribution Unit: Cust. TDSP02 - Texts

DYN_TUPS02_ATT - ALE Distribution Unit: Cust. TDSP02 - Attributes

DYN_TUPS02_OBJ - ALE Distribution Unit: Cust. TDSP02 - Object Types

DYN_TUPS02_RCP - ALE Distribution Unit: Cust. TDSP02 - Receipts

DYN_TUPS02_TAB - ALE Distribution Unit: Cust. TDSP02 - List

DYN_TUPS04 - ALE Distribution Packet: Settings for Job Processing

DYN_UPSHDR - ALE Distribution Packet : Header Detail Data on Screen

DYN_UPSHDR_CPY - ALE Distribution Packet: Target Unit when Copying

DYN_UPSHDR_IMP - ALE Distribution Packet: Import Correction

DYN_UPSHDR_KEY - ALE Distribution Packet: Target Unit when Copying

DYN_UPSHDR_SWT - ALE Distribution Packet: Target Unit when Switching

DYN_UPSITM - ALE Distribution Packet : Object List

DYN_UPSJOB - ALE Distribution Packet: Job Information

DYN_UPSPACKAGE - ALE Distribution Packet : Packet Header Data on Screen

DYN_UPSPRE - ALE Distribution Packet: Predecessor

DYN_UPSSRC - ALE Distribution Packet: Source Object List

DYN_UPSSTS - ALE Distribution Packet : Status History

DYN_UPSSTSICO - ALE Distribution Packet: Status Icons

DYN_UPSSTSICO_IN - ALE Distribution Packet: Status Icons (Inbound)

DYN_UPSSTSICO_OUT - ALE Distribution Packet: Status Icons (Outbound)

DYN_UPSUNIHDR - ALE Distribution Packet: Packet Headers of Unit

DYN_UPSUNITY - ALE Distribution Packet : Unit Data on Screen

DYN_UPSVRGN - ALE Distribution Packet: Activities

DYN_V_TJ49 - Help structure for maintenance V_TJ49

DYREQUEST - Parameter description for dy_getobj function

DYSTRUCT - Structure for describing screen objects

DYTOTRANSL - Screen Translation: Program Name and Screen Number

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