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EABCSETS - Assignmnet of BC Sets to Activation Switches

EABL - MR Document

EABLARC - Internal index f. analyzing archivable meter reading results

EABLARCHIVE - Index for archivable meter reading results

EABLBEL_ABLBEL_NOTIF_KEY_COMP - Keys and Comp.of Meter Reading Document for MR Notification

EABLBEL_DATE_TIME - To-Date and To-Time for Meter Reading Document

EABLC - Temporary Meter Reading Document in AMI Environment

EABLD - Screen Flds for MR Doc.

EABLD2 - Structure for Table Control Fields of Reading Results

EABLDATA - Meter Reading Document Data of Function Section

EABLDEL - Deleted Meter Reading Document

EABLDELARCH - Deleted Meter Reading Document for Archiving (Complete Data)

EABLD_ADB01 - Screen: Installations, Devices and Registers for MR Unit

EABLD_ADB02 - Screen Structure: View for Meter Reading Status of Devices

EABLD_ADB03 - Screen Structure: Quantity Structure of Meter Reading Units

EABLD_EL30 - Fields for Display During Monitoring

EABLD_EL31 - Fields for Display During Monitoring

EABLD_EL32 - Screen Structure

EABLD_EL37_EL35 - Structure for Display Meter Reading Data for EL35, EL37

EABLD_EL37_EL35_AMI - Structure for Displaying MR Data for EL37 with AMI

EABLD_EL62 - Screen Structure: Deactivation of Meter Reading Results

EABLD_RELEAST1 - Screen Structure: List of Period Consumption

EABLG - MR Reasons in MR Document

EABLGC - Temporary MR Reason of MR Document in AMI Environment

EABLGDATA - MR Reasons f. MR Document - Data from Function Section

EABLGDEL - Meter Reading Reasons of Deleted Meter Reading Document

EABLG_JBP - Special EABLG Fields for JBP (Japanese Billing Period)

EABLG_JBP_VA - Special EABLG Fields for JBP (Previous Meter Reading Result)

EABLG_RPLCTN - MR Reasons in MR Document (Replication)

EABLH - Help Fields for meter reading data

EABLH_ALV - Help Fields for Meter Reading Data in ALV Screen

EABLH_ALV_DATA - ALV Screen for Schedule Record: Data Fields

EABLH_ALV_HEAD_P - ALV Screen for Schedule Record: Header Fields for Portion

EABLH_ALV_HEAD_U - ALV Screen for Schedule Record: Header Fields for MR Unit

EABLH_ALV_PORT - ALV Screen for Schedule Record: Portion

EABLH_ALV_UNIT - ALV Screen for Schedule Record: Meter Reading Unit

EABLQDCONV - Conversion History for Quantity Det. During Meter Reading

EABLQDCONVDATA - Conversion History f. QD During MR - Data from Function Part

EABLQDCONVDEL - Conversion History for QD During (Deleted) Meter Reading

EABLU - Upload Fields: MR Data

EABLVALINFO - Validation Info for Meter Reading

EABL_ALV - Meter Reading Document Display: List Processing

EABL_FORALL - Structure for DB Function Module

EABL_JBP - Special EABL Fields for JBP (Japanese Billing Period)

EABL_JBP_VA - Special EABL Fields for JBP (Previous Meter Reading)

EABL_ORDER_ALV - Structure for Displaying MR Orders w/o Detail in ALV List

EABL_RPLCTN - Meter Reading Document (Replication)

EABP - Budget Billing Plan

EABPARCH - IS-U archiving: Help table archiving budget billing plans

EABPD - Scr. Fields: EABP

EABPEX_CHANGE - EA61EX Change Area Structure for ALV Grid

EABPEX_DISPLAY - EA61EX Display Area Structure for ALV Grid

EABPEX_QUICKINFO - EA61EX Quickinfo Structure for ALV Grid

EABPG - Accumulated BB Plan

EABPH_ATTR - Attribute Structure Gen. Int. Layer Object IsuBbplanHeader

EABPJVL_CORR - Correspondence Print: Bud. Bill. Plan Header and YAP Info.

EABPL - Sample Lines for Budget Billing Plan

EABPLCOMP - Line Comparison Structure for Validation

EABPLREQ - Information on Request Documents for a Payment Scheme

EABPLS - Transfer Structure for Payment Scheme Adjustment

EABPL_CI_INCLUDE - Customer-Specific Enhancement of Payment Scheme Lines

EABPL_DISP - Payment Scheme: Display Structure for Sample Lines

EABPL_DISP_CI_INCLUDE - Customer-Specific Fields in Payment Scheme Display Structure

EABPS - Sub-BB Plan

EABPSGR - Transfer Structure for Grouping EABPS in Event R403

EABPS_CORR - Sub Budget Billing Plan for Correspondence Print

EABPS_GRP - EABPS Grouping Structure for ALV Dialogs

EABPS_INV_PARTY - Deregulation: Structure for Grouping EABPS in Event R403

EABP_AM_PARAMS - Parameter Structure for Method ChangeAmount

EABP_ATTR - Attribute Structure GenIL Object ISU Budget Billing Plan

EABP_CHAM_PARAMS - Parameter Structure for ChangeAmount Method

EABP_CHANGEFROM - From-Date Adjustments for Budget Billing Plan

EABP_CHCUAM_PARAMS - Parameter Structure for ChangeCumAmount Method

EABP_CI_INCLUDE - Customer-Specific Enhancement of Budget Billing Plan

EABP_CORR - Budget Billing Plan Header for Correspondence Print

EABP_DISP - BB Plan: Display Structure (Only for Payment Scheme)

EABP_DISP_CI_INCLUDE - Customer-Specific Fields in Payment Scheme Display (Header)

EABP_LINES - Attribute Structure for Budget Billing Plan Lines

EABP_LINES_KEY - Key Structure Gen. Int. Layer Object IsuBbplanLines

EABP_OPBEL - Document Number of Budget Billing Plan

EABP_QUERY - Search Structure for Budget Billing Plan

EABRE - Structure for BRE

EABRELIST - Structure for List Display

EABSCONFIGPARAM - IS-U: Configuration of Alternative Billing Simulation

EABSIMSCENDATA - IS-U: Definition of Alternative Billing Simulation

EABSINDEX - IS-U: Indexes for Alternative Billing Simulation

EABSINDEX_DISP - Screen Structure for Alternative Billing Simulation Indexes

EABSRESULTS - IS-U: Results of Alternative Billing Simulation

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