Select data from sap tables MVKE

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MVKE - Sales Data for Material

MVKE_DQ_RES - Master Data Quality Results of OTC 194, Table MVKE

MVKE_DQ_STR - MVKE Key and Attribute Structure

MVKE_FULL_KEY - Key for Table MVKE with client for MFLE change doc FM

MVKE_FULL_OKEY - Key for Table MVKE with client and MATNR18 for MFLE

MVKE_MASS - Structure MVKE Without Client or Mat. No.

MVKE_NKEY - New Key for material sales text

MVKE_OKEY - Old Key for material sales text

MVKE_PRC - Process Records Of OTC 194, Table MVKE

MVKE_SRC - Source Records Of OTC 194, Table MVKE

MVKE_STXH - Longtexts on MVKE level

MVKE_STXH_DQ_RES - Master Data Quality Results of OTC 194, Table MVKE_STXH

MVKE_STXH_DQ_STR - MVKE_STXH Key and Attribute Structure

MVKE_STXH_PRC - Process Records Of OTC 194, Table MVKE_STXH

MVKE_STXH_SRC - Source Records Of OTC 194, Table MVKE_STXH

MVKE_STXL - Template for Longtext lines on MVKE level

MVKE_STXL_DQ_RES - Master Data Quality Results of OTC 194, Table MVKE_STXL

MVKE_STXL_DQ_STR - MVKE_STXL Key and Attribute Structure

MVKE_STXL_PRC - Process Records Of OTC 194, Table MVKE_STXL

MVKE_STXL_SRC - Source Records Of OTC 194, Table MVKE_STXL

MVKE_TMP - File for Incorrect Data in Direct Input

MVKE_UEB - Field TRANC Added to MVKE

MVKE_VKORG - Generated Table for View

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