Select data from sap tables R3

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R3A_MAIN - R3A BP: Strukcure with Customer No. and BP-Guid for BAPIMTCS

R3A_REL - R3A-BP: Structure w. Cont. Pers. No.and GP-Guids f. BAPIMTCS

R3A_VEND - R3A BP: Strukcure with Customer No. and BP-Guid for BAPIMTCS

R3BATCH_ID_MV_DS - Structure for Maintaining the Attribute R3BATC

R3BATCH_ID_MV_S - Structure for Maintaining the Attribute R3BATC

R3EPPEHI_DOCID_EXT - Document Key Internal-External in iPPE

R3MATERIAL_ID_MV_DS - Structure for Maintaining the Attribute R3MATE

R3MATERIAL_ID_MV_S - Structure for Maintaining the Attribute R3MATE

R3QSNTSRFC - Transfer Structure for Width of Tables

R3SERIAL_NO_MV_DS - Structure for Maintaining the Attribute R3SERI

R3SERIAL_NO_MV_S - Structure for Maintaining the Attribute R3SERI

R3TABLE - Collective structure of R/3 data after ADDRESS_READ

R3TR_VARIS - Generated Table for View

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