Select data from sap tables RAT

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Display SAP table details

RATABLENAMEVH - Generated Table for View

RATCE_AGENCY - Rating Agencies

RATCE_AGENCY_TXT - Description of Rating Agency


RATCE_OWNER_TXT - Description of Owner

RATCE_PROCEDURES - Rating Procedure

RATCE_PROC_TXT - Description of Rating Procedure

RATCE_RATING - Rating Procedure

RATCE_RATING_TXT - Texts for Ratings

RATCE_SET - Rating Sets

RATCE_SET_RATING - Assignment of Rating to Rating Set

RATCE_SET_TXT - Rating Sets

RATD09 - Consumer Loan

RATECAT_LIST_DPC - Structure for Rate Category List

RATE_BD - Transfer Structure for Biller Direct Rate

RATE_INFO - Info on Printing Installment Payments

RATE_POV - Structure for Rate and Corresponding Text

RATINGS - Ratings

RATIO_TXTS - Structure for transfer of cell descriptions to Report Writer

RATOTINVAMTC - Generated Table for View

RATOTINVQTYAMT - Generated Table for View

RATPBSCCNFCMPSTN - Generated Table for View

RATPBSCCONF - Generated Table for View

RATPBSCPRBMREQ - Generated Table for View

RATPBSCPRBMRSLT - Generated Table for View

RATPEXCLDBSCRQMT - Generated Table for View

RATPPROCDBSCRQMT - Generated Table for View

RATPSELDBSCREQMT - Generated Table for View

RATPSOTPATH - Generated Table for View


RATZB0A_FVVCL - Append for TZB0A: Consumer Loans

RATZK01_FVVCL - Append to TZK01: Consumer Loans

RATZPAB_LOC - Append Localization

RAT_ARTICLE_SELECTION - Structure for Material Selection

RAT_BTT_EXEMP - Pro Rata VAT: BTT Code Exemptions

RAT_BTT_SCOPE - Pro Rata VAT: BTT Codes in Scope

RAT_COEF - Pro Rata VAT: Coefficient

RAT_COND_SCOPE - Pro Rata VAT: Condition Types in Scope

RAT_CTRY_SCOPE - Pro Rata VAT: Countries in Scope

RAT_SHIP_TO_PARTY - Structure for Recipient Determination (incl. Supply Source)

RAT_VAUPO - Default Data for Allocation Table Items

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