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SACCFCTRACESUMM - Field Catalog for Accessible Trace List Summary

SACCIT - Fields that Flow Back into FI when Document is Closed

SACCS_CONNECTION_ID_SEL - Structure for Database Connection ID Selections

SACCS_CONNECTION_SEL - Structure for Database Connection Selections

SACCS_CONN_CNT_SEL - EPP Connection Counter Selections

SACCS_CONN_ID_SEL - EPP Connection ID Selections

SACCS_DURATION_SEL - Structure for Execution Time Selections

SACCS_EPP_CONN_CNT_SEL - EPP Connection Counter Selections

SACCS_EPP_CONN_ID_SEL - EPP Connection ID Selections


SACCS_HTTP - HTTP Trace Record: Additional Detail Information

SACCS_HTTP_DISPLAY - HTTP Trace Record: Additional Detail Information for Display

SACCS_HTTP_SUMMARY - HTTP Trace Record: Summary

SACCS_OBJECT_SEL - Structure for Trace Object Selections

SACCS_OPERATION_SEL - Structure for Operation Selections

SACCS_RFC - RFC Trace Record: Additional Detail Information

SACCS_RFC_DISPLAY - RFC Trace Record: Additional Detail Information

SACCS_RFC_SUMMARY - RFC Trace Record: Summary

SACCS_ROOT_ID_SEL - EPP Root ID Selections

SACCS_SUMMARY - Trace Record: Summary

SACCS_TRACE - Processed Trace Records

SACCS_TRANSID_SEL - Structure for Transaction ID Selections

SACCS_TRANS_ID_SEL - Structure for Transaction ID Selections

SACCS_USER_SEL - Structure for User Selections

SACCS_WP_ID_SEL - Work Process ID Selections

SACCTRACE - Formatted Data for Each Trace Record


SACC_CALLSTAT - List of Call Locations for Identical Statements

SACC_FIELDCAT - Extended Field Catalog for Accessible Trace List

SACC_HTTP - HTTP Trace Record: Additional Detail Information

SACC_HTTP_DISPLAY - HTTP Trace Record: Additional Detail Information for Display

SACC_RAW_RECORD - Trace Record Raw Data

SACC_RFC - RFC Trace Record: Additional Detail Information

SACC_RFC_DISPLAY - RFC Trace Record: Additional Detail Information

SACC_STANDARDS - Characteristic groups

SACC_STANDARDST - Text table for attribute groups

SACC_STATES - Characteristic groups

SACC_STATEST - Text table for attribute groups

SACC_STD_DEFAULT - Default settings for standards

SACC_TRACE - Processed Trace Records


SBCCALLENV - Table to Transfer Parameters for SBC

SCCC_TABLE_COMPARISON - Table Comparison (Cross-Client/Cross-System)

SECCODE - Section Code

SECCODET - Name of Section Code

SPCCNVDOCNUM - Conversion between S2K doc. no. and Appl. Doc. No.

SPCCOCODE - Position code for SPEC 2000 Command Code

SSCC_GEN_PARAM - Parameters for SSCC Generation

STCCONT_ARC - Automation Runtime Classification

STCCONT_ARC_TAG - Automation Runtime Classification Tags

STCCONT_CC_ID_F4 - F4 help structure for CC_ID

STCCONT_CE - Configuration Entities

STCCONT_CEO - Configuration Entity Operations

STCCONT_CEP - Configuration Entity Parameters

STCCONT_CEP_T - Configuration Entity Parameter Description

STCCONT_CET - Configuration Entity Tags

STCCONT_CE_ASYNC_MSG_S - Asynchronous messages by Configuration Entity

STCCONT_CE_T - Configuration Entity Descriptions

STCCONT_CFG_CHN - Technical Configuration Channel Settings

STCCONT_CFG_SYS - Technical Configuration System Settings

STCCONT_CP_DISPLAY1_S - Structure using reference to Parameter Repository

STCCONT_CP_SCOPE_S - Scopes and Parameters

STCCONT_CRH - Configuration Content Header

STCCONT_CRN - Configuration Content Nodes

STCCONT_CRN_T - Configuration Content Node Descriptions

STCCONT_CRP - Configuration Content Parameters

STCCONT_CRP_T - Configuration Content Parameter Description

STCCONT_CRS - Configuration Content Selections

STCCONT_CR_DISPLAY1_S - Display fields for load from GIT

STCCONT_CR_DISPLAY2_S - Display fields for load from REPO share

STCCONT_GIT_CONF1_S - Configuration Structure for GIT Client

STCCONT_GIT_CONF2_S - Repository attributes for GIT client

STCCONT_LOG_CONTEXT_S - Application Log Context

STCCONT_PARAM_EDIT_S - Structure for Parameter Editor

STCCONT_REPO_CLMS1_S - REPO Solution Configuration File

STCCONT_REPO_CLMS3_S - REPO Solution Configuration

STCCONT_REPO_CONF1_S - REPO configuration validity

STCCONT_REPO_CONF2_S - REPO configuration file (Standard)

STCCONT_REPO_CONF3_S - REPO configuration

STCC_PARAMETER - Technical Configuration: Parameter List

STCC_RECORD_FIELD - Field value of a generic table select

STCC_RFCDEST - RFC Destination with Type (used for CTC API)

STCC_SLD_LIST - Technical Configuration: Standard SLD Return List

STCC_SLD_RESULT - Technical Configuration: Validation Rules for SLD Validation

STCC_SLD_RULE - Technical Configuration: Standard SLD Validation Result List

SUCCESSLOG - Billing Document: Log of Successfully Processed Items

SUCCESSOR - Follow-on Document (Doc. Flow) in Settlement Mgmt. Document

SUCCESS_RESPONSE - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE1 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE10 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE11 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE12 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE14 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE17 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE19 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE2 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE20 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE21 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE22 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE23 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE24 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE25 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE26 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE27 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE28 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE29 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE3 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE31 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE32 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE33 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE34 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE35 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE36 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE37 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE38 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE39 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE4 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE40 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE41 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE5 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE6 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE7 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE8 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SUCCESS_RESPONSE9 - IR generic response to a successful live or 'test in live' s

SXCC_ACT - IMG Activation of Business Add-In Implementations

SXCC_FLT - IMG Activation of Business Add-In Implementations

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