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Display SAP table details

SELECTEDROW - Selected Row

SELECTED_SERVER - Structure of Selected Servers

SELECTION_DATA - OBSOLETE Structure for Selection Data

SELECTION_TAB - Selection Criteria for Open Item Selection

SELECTVIEW - Work area for selection criterion for performance analysis

SELECT_ASSET - Select Options for Asset (Account Assignment)

SELECT_BE_LOG_SYS - Select Options for Logical System of Logistics Backend

SELECT_BE_OBJ_ID - Select Options for Obj. ID of Follow-on Doc. in BackendSyst.

SELECT_BE_OBJ_TYPE - Select Options for Object Type of Follow-on Doc. in BE Syst.

SELECT_CATALOG - Select Options for Catalog ID

SELECT_CATEGORYID - Select Options for Category ID

SELECT_COSTCTR - Select Options for Cost Center

SELECT_CREATED_BY - Select Options for the User Name of the Creator

SELECT_CUST_DYNP - Selection Dialog Box When Several Entries in Customizing

SELECT_DATE - Select Options for Date

SELECT_DOC_NAME - Select Options for the Name of the Shopping Cart

SELECT_KEY - Report Writer: Key that identifies a selection

SELECT_MATNR - Select Options for Product Number

SELECT_NETWORK - Select Options for Network

SELECT_ORDER - Select Options for Order

SELECT_PROC_GRP - Select-Options for Purchasing Group

SELECT_PROC_ORG - Select Options for Purchasing Organization

SELECT_PRODNR - Select Options for Product Number

SELECT_PSPELT - Select Options for WBS Element

SELECT_REQNAME - Select Options for the Name of the Requester

SELECT_REQ_NAME - Select Options for the Name of the Requester

SELECT_SC_ID - Select Options for Shopping Cart Number

SELECT_SHORT_TEXT - Select Options for Item Short Text

SELECT_STAT - Select Options for Status

SELECT_TA_KRIT - Selection Dialog Box: Type of Use of the Time Analysis

SELECT_VENDOR - Select Options Name Vendor / Business Partner

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