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SNCSYSACL - SNC Access Control List (ACL): Systems

SNC_AO_ACQ_TYP - SAF-T AO: Map Acquisition Doc Type to SAF-T Invoice Type

SNC_AO_DEDUCTAX - SAF-T AO: Map Tax Code to SAF-T Deductible Tax Type

SNC_AO_DOCTPY_FI - SAF-T (AO): Map SAF-T Document Type to FI Number Range

SNC_AO_DOCTPY_SD - SAF-T AO: Map SAFT document type to SD number range

SNC_AO_FIDOWNPAY - SAF-T AO: FI Documents for Down Payment and Clearing

SNC_AO_GENERIC - SAF-T AO : Generic Settings

SNC_AO_INV_TYP - SAF-T AO: Map Document Type to Invoice Type

SNC_AO_PAYMECH - SAF-T AO: Payment Mechanism for SAF-T

SNC_AO_PAY_TYP - SAF-T AO: Map Document Type to Payment Type

SNC_AO_PRICING - SAT-T AO: Map Pricing Conditions Scenarios

SNC_AO_PRO_TYP - SAF-T AO: Map Material Type to SAF-T Product Type

SNC_AO_TAX - SAF-T AO: Map Tax code to SAF-T Tax Code

SNC_AO_TAXECOD - SAF-T AO: Tax Exemption Code

SNC_AO_TR_TYPE - SAF-T AO: Transaction Type for Accounting File

SNC_AO_WHT - SAF-T AO: Map Withholding Tax Code

SNC_AO_WORKDOC - SAF-T AO: Define Working Documents for SAF-T

SNC_FIELDS - Screen Fields for SNC

SNC_NO_GRP_COD - SAF-T NO : Mapping standard account into Grouping Code

SNC_NO_MAP_ACCT - SAF-T NO : Mapping standard account

SNC_NO_MAP_TAX - SAF-T NO : Mapping standard tax

SNC_NO_SP_GL - SAF-T NO : Mapping Special GL Indicators

SNC_PL_BC - SAF-T PL : Business Cases

SNC_PL_FI - SAF-T PL : Invoice Type for FI

SNC_PL_MOVTYPE - SAF-T PL : Movement Types Mapping

SNC_PL_SD - SAF-T PL : Invoice Type for SD

SNC_PL_TAX - SAF-T PL : Tax Mapping Details

SNC_PL_VAT_TAXSP - SAF-T PL: VAT Tax code special mapping for XML tags


SNC_STRC - Segment Description

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