Select data from sap tables T33

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T330 - Blocking Reasons

T330T - Text for Blocking Reason

T331 - Storage Type Control

T331B - Storage Type Control for Bulk Storage

T331C - Control of storage type for putaway strategy K

T331L - Storage Classes Allowed per Storage Type

T331_TRM_APPEND - TRM append structure for T331

T333 - WM Movement Types

T333A - Shipment Types

T333B - Texts for Transfer Types

T333M - Mail control for background processing

T333N - Control for automatic transfer order creation

T333O - Texts for automatic TO creation

T333T - Texts for WM Movement Types

T333U - WM Movement Types for Transf.Posting in WM and IM

T333_LXDCK_APPEND - Cross-dock relevancy

T333_V - Generated Table for View

T334B - Storage Section Search

T334E - Storage Unit Type Check

T334P - Storage Bin Type Search

T334T - Storage Type Search

T334U - Access Strategy for Storage Type Search

T335 - Default Values for Inventory

T336 - Difference Indicators

T336T - Texts for Difference Indicators

T337A - Division of Storage Bins into Sections

T337B - Bulk Storage Sectioning

T337C - Search Range per Level for Stock Placement Strategy K

T337D - Assignment Aisle to Shelf for Stock Placement Strategy K

T337Z - Bin Sectioning per Storage Bin Type/Storage Unit Type

T338 - Bulk Storage Indicators

T338T - Texts for Bulk Storage Indicators

T339 - Definition of Comment for TO Execution

T339T - Text Table for Comment for TO Execution

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