Select data from sap tables T35

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T350 - Maintenance Control Parameters: Client/Order Type

T350E - Access sequence addresses for address proposal purch. data

T350I - Combination of order type and PM activity type allowed

T350W - Maintenance control parameters: Order type plant

T351 - Maintenance strategy

T351P - Maintenance packages

T351P_OLD - Old Version of Maintenance Packages

T351T - Maintenance strategy texts

T351X - Maintenance strategy package texts

T351_OLD - Old Status of Maintenance Strategy

T352B - Technical report

T352B_T - Catalog profile texts

T352C - Catalog types for each catalog profile

T352R - Maintenance revisions

T352R_API - Revision Structure for Program Communication

T352R_B - Buffer Structure for Table T352R

T352R_CONF - Structure Including Characteristics for Revision (T352R)

T352R_D - Dialog Structure for Revision

T352T - Permit Categories

T352T_T - Text for Permit Categories

T353I - Maintenance activity types

T353I_T - Maintenance activity type description

T354A - Define business operation for authorization check

T354B - Business transactions for authorization check

T354S - Set parameter for calling master data transactions

T354T - Transaction branching by dynpro field

T355E - Response time monitor

T355E_T - Response profile text

T355E_W - Response times

T355R - Service window

T355R_T - Service window text

T355R_W - Service window

T356 - Priorities

T356A - Priority type table

T356A_T - Priority type texts

T356_T - Priority text

T357 - Plant Section

T357A - Effect of malfunction on the system

T357A_T - Texts for effect of malfunction on the system

T357G - Permits

T357G_GR - PM: Permit groups

T357G_T - Text for Table 357GT

T357M - Machine operating condition

T357M_T - Operating condition texts

T357Z - Syst.Condition

T357Z_T - System condition - Text table

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