Select data from sap tables T41

Warning: Undefined variable $saptab in /customers/b/9/9/ on line 45

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T410 - Engineering Workbench: Working area

T410T - Engineering Workbench: Working environment (text)

T410_WORKAREA - Engineering Workbench: Structure working envir. (Incl. text)

T411 - Task list usage

T411T - Language-dependent texts for T411: Task list usages

T412 - Task list status

T412T - Language-dependent texts for T412: Task list status

T413 - Spare Part Indicators

T413T - Spare part indicator description

T414 - Explosion Types

T414T - Explosion type description

T415A - Alternative BOM Determination

T415B - Alternative Determination by Unit of Measure

T415M - Material Types Allowed in BOM

T415S - BOM status

T415T - BOM Status Texts

T416 - BOM Usage - Item Statuses

T416K - Copying Defaults For Item Status

T416T - BOM Usage Texts

T416V - Copy defaults for BOM usage - item statuses

T416_CTRL_DATA - BOM Usage Control Data

T417 - Material Provision Indicators

T417T - Materials Provided Indicator Texts

T418 - Item Categories

T418D - Definition of Variables for T418F

T418F - Variable-Size Item Formulas

T418G - Formula Texts

T418T - Item Category Texts

T418V - Item category proposal for component assignment

T419S - Change Master Status

T419T - Change Master Status Texts

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