Select data from sap tables T44

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Display SAP table details

T440A - Change fields for MRP

T440B - Control table for creating MRP record

T440C - Planning file entries for goods movements

T440F - Exception messages for the forecast

T440G - Weighting Groups for Finding the Moving Average Value

T440L - Correction Factors: Forecast

T440P - Profiles for Function Module PROGNOSE_DIALOG

T440X - Allocation of forecast model to model groups

T440Y - Forecast weighting factor

T440Z - Allocate error -> error class in the forecast

T440ZREF - Internal structure as T440Z

T441A - Forecast profiles

T441C - Profile - availability check

T441CT - Texts for Profile 'Display Availability Check'

T441G - Checking Group Values

T441I - Fields in forecast profile that can be initial fields

T441M - Forecast transaction control

T441R - Values Table for Checking Rule

T441T - Texts for Material Forecasting Profiles

T441V - Availability Check Control

T441W - Checking Rule Texts

T442B - Start times for MRP background programs

T442C - Control: activity reqmts transfer MRP/SOP -> CO

T444A - Navigation Profile for Flexible Transaction Calls

T444B - Settings for Flexible Transaction Calls

T444C - Settings for Flexible Transaction Calls for each MRP Element

T444K - LIS Planning: Screen Sequence Control Table

T444M - Planning: Control Table - Key Matrix Screen

T444P - LIS Planning: Key Matrix Selection Control Table

T444S - Text Table for T444A

T444T - Text Table for T444B

T444T_I - Text Verticalization: Delta Table for T444T

T444V - Text Table for T444C

T445A - Planning Configuration for Info Structure

T445B - User Parameters for Planning Type

T445C - Assign Time Bar - Technical Period

T445C1 - Allocation of Permitted Periods for Planning

T445C2 - Planning Period Units of Info Structure

T445E - Units for LIS Planning

T445F - Texts for Line Definitions (SOP)

T445G - Texts of LIS Planning Macros

T445I - Planning Attributes: Information Structure

T445L - SOP Planning Table Definitions

T445M - Macro Definitions: LIS Planning

T445N - Executable Macros

T445NK - Storage of decimal points

T445O - Operations for LIS Planning Functions

T445OT - Short Description of LIS Operations

T445P - Planning Types: LIS/SOP

T445Q - Prices for Price Band Categories

T445QK - Prices for Price Band Categories (Key)

T445R - Characteristic Fields per Info Structure for Table T445Q

T445S - Collision Matrix for Locking Product Groups

T445T - Texts: Definitions for Planning Table (SOP)

T445U - Sales and Operations Planning/Initial Settings per User

T445V - Plant Distribution

T445Y - Profile for SOP Transfer to Demand Management

T445Z - Period Split for Display of Time Axis

T445Z1 - Period Split for Planning

T445ZT - Text for Period Split

T446F - Assignment of Data Elements to Hierarchies

T446H - Hierarchies for LIS Statistics and Planning

T449A - Period split

T449B - Period split: language-dependent description

T449F - Control of sequence of the extended header in the MRP list

T449S - User Settings: Sort for Table

T449T - User-Setting For Field Sequence To Display A Table

T449U - Settings for Collective Display of MRP List

T449V - User Parameters for Traffic Lights Settings in MD04/MD05

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