Select data from sap tables T46

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Display SAP table details

T460A - Special procurement key

T460B - Special Procurement Key Conversion

T460C - Order/Purchase order types for planned order

T460D - Order/Purchase order types for planned order

T460P - Procurement and Special Procurement Check

T460Q - Special Procurement Types per Procurement Type

T460T - Texts for special procurement keys

T461P - Planning strategy group

T461S - Planning strategies

T461T - Planning strategy text

T461X - Planning strategy group text

T462 - Customizing Table Selection Rule / Display Filter

T462A - Logical Destination for Parallel Processing

T462T - Text Table for T462: Customizing Selection Rule

T463 - Customizing Table Display Filter - Settings -

T463T - Text_table for T463 : Customizing Display Filter

T464 - Customizing: Order Report Profiles

T464T - Customizing: Order Report Profile Texts

T465 - Evaluation Profile Ranges of Coverage

T465T - Texts for Minimum Range of Coverage Profile

T466 - Customizing: Extraction Mode for Planning Situation

T466T - Text Table for Extraction Mode

T467 - Stock/Requirements List: Material Groupings

T46AC - Action control

T46AS - Action code text

T46AT - Action code description

T46PR - List layout and print parameters

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