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T5RCD - Destruction Condition Definition

T5RCD_T - Destruction Condition Text

T5RCPF_SCH - CPF Scheme types for Public sector

T5RCPF_SCHT - CPF Scheme type texts

TARCH01 - Node Table for General Structure Storage

TARCH01R - General Structure Storage References

TARCH01T - General Structure Storage Node Names

TARCHBOOK - Archiving Example: Flight Bookings

TARCHENGINE01 - Archiving Engine: Scenarios

TARCHENGINE01T - Archiving Engine: Scenario Description

TARCHENGINE02 - Archiving Engine: Read Plug-Ins

TARCHENGINE03 - Archiving Engine: Read Module

TARCHENGINE04 - Archiving Engine: Database Tables

TARCHENGINE05 - Archiving Engine: Archiving Classes

TARCHENGINE06 - Archiving Engine: Conditional Deletion

TARCHENGINE07 - Obsolete

TARCHENGINE08 - Archiving Engine: Business Check Plug-Ins

TARCHENGINE09 - Archiving Engine: Business Check

TARCHENGINE10 - Archiving Engine: Cache

TARCHENGINE11 - Obsolete

TARCHENGINEDEFLT - Archiving Engine: Defaults

TARCHENGINEINTF - Interfaces for AE to Client Applications

TARCHENGINETASKS - Archiving Engine: Available Tasks

TARCHENGINEVRS01 - Archiving Factory: Versions

TARCHFLIGHT - Archiving Example: Flights

TARCHFLIGHTCONN - Archiving Example: Flight Connections

TARCHKEY - Structure of text key archiving class TEXT

TARCHUSERSETTING - Archiving Factory: User Settings

TBRC - Industry Code (Customer Master)

TBRCT - Industry code text (customer master)

TCRCOBLFL - Payment Cards: Field Control

TCRCOT - Alternative Texts for Describing an Activity

TCRC_CSPR_TYPE - Credit Spread Type

TCRC_CSPR_TYPE_T - Credit Spread Type - Texts

TCRC_CTY_PROVIDR - Market Data Provider for Commodity Forward Rates

TERC_FT_ASSGN - Assign Update Types for the Rights Exercise

TFRC1 - VOFM Cusomizing: Group and Number Ranges

TFRC2 - VOFM Customizing: Characteristic Errors of a Group

TFRC3 - Application Assignments


THRCCE_CHGLPT - Description

THRCCE_OCR - Reasons for Off-Cycle and Claims Run

THRCCE_T587D - Infy Subty table for Pop-up copy, of Change of legal person

TLRC_FICLASS - Financial Instrument Classification used in Report Type

TLRC_MESSAGE - Assignment of Report Type to Message Category

TLRC_REP_TYPE - Legal Report Type

TLRC_REP_TYPE_T - Legal Report Type Description

TLRC_TARO_ALLID - Trade Repository: Allowed ID Categories

TLRC_TARO_COL - Trade Repository: Fields for Collateral

TLRC_TARO_COMP - Trade Repository: Company Specific Settings

TLRC_TARO_FICLAS - Trade Repository: Allowed Product Classification

TLRC_TARO_FICTYM - Trade Repository: Product Classification Type Mapping

TLRC_TARO_IDTYM - Trade Repository: ID Type Mapping

TLRC_TARO_MOD - Trade Repository: Fields for separate Modifications

TLRC_TARO_TAR - Trade Repository

TLRC_TARO_TAR_AS - Assignment of Trade Repository

TLRC_TARO_TAR_T - Text table for trade register

TLRC_TARO_VAL - Trade Repository: Fields for Valuation

TLRC_THM_CNTRY - Countries belonging to a legal basis

TLRC_THM_ENTITY - Threshold Entities

TLRC_THM_ENT_CC - Threshold Entities assigned Comp.Codes

TLRC_THM_IG - Threshold Instrument Group

TLRC_THM_IG_TXT - Text Table Threshold Instrument Group

TLRC_THM_LIMIT - Limit Amounts per TIG

TLRC_THM_PROD_IG - Assign Products to Instrument Groups

TLRC_THM_SCHEME - Threshold Scheme Definition

TPRC - Business Process in Expiring Currency

TPRCD - Date for Subsequent Process for Expiring Currencies

TPRCLASS - Project Management Project Classes

TPRCLASST - Project Class Table Text Table

TPRCOPY - Copy Screen

TPRCT - Business Process in Expiring Currency (Text Table)

TRRC_CA1 - TR Reporting: Definition of Currency Accounts

TRRC_CA2 - TR Reporting: Assign Levels for Currency Accts for Balance

TRRC_CA3 - TR Reporting: Define Revenue Account for Currency Revenues

TSRCG - List of tables from which source coding is generated

TTRCD - Intermediate accts and min. balances for cash concentration

TZRCL - Treasury: Valuation Classes

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