Select data from sap tables TB9

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Display SAP table details

TB900 - Field grouping using BP relationship category

TB901 - Business Partner Relationship Categories: Properties

TB901T - Business Partner Roles: Properties, Texts

TB902 - SAP BP Dialog: Layout Module

TB902T - SAP BP Dialog: Layout Module: Texts

TB903 - SAP BP Dialog: Assignment of Rel. Cat. -> Layout Group

TB905 - BP Relationship Types

TB905T - BP Relationship Types: Texts

TB910 - Contact Person Departments

TB911 - Contact person in standard departments: Texts

TB912 - Positions of contact persons

TB913 - Positions of contact person: Texts

TB914 - Contact person authority

TB915 - Contact person authority: Texts

TB916 - Contact person VIP indicator

TB917 - Contact person VIP indicator: Texts

TB920 - BP Relationship Categories: Assign BP Role Cat. -> BP Roles

TB921 - BP Rel.: Restriction of the Relnship to BP Role Categories

TB930 - Business Partner: Marital Property Regime

TB930T - Business Partner: Marital Property Regime: Texts

TB990 - Differentiation type element like company code

TB990T - Differentiation Type Element Like Company Code: Texts

TB991 - Differentiation Type Element Like Sales Organization

TB991T - Differentiation Type Element Like Sales Organization: Texts

TB992 - Diff. Type Element Like Distribution Channel

TB992T - Diff. Type Element Like Distribution Channel: Texts

TB993 - Differentiation Type Element Like Division

TB993T - Diff. Type Element Like Division: Texts

TB994 - Differentiation Type Like Sales Area

TB995 - BP Gender

TB995T - BP Gender : Text

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