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VBSART_RANGE - Structure with ranges for premise type

VBSEC - Document Parking One-Time Data Document Segment

VBSEG - Document Parking Document Segment - General Structure

VBSEGA - Document Segment for Document Parking - Asset Database

VBSEGA_CRD - Credit Card: Append for VBSEGA

VBSEGD - Document Segment for Customer Document Parking

VBSEGD_CRD - Credit Card: Append for VBSEGD

VBSEGK - Document Segment for Vendor Document Parking

VBSEGK_CRD - Credit Card: Append for VBSEGK

VBSEGS - Document Segment for Document Parking - G/L Account Database

VBSEGS_CRD - Credit Card: Append for VBSEGS

VBSEG_CARD - Credit Card: Append for VBSEG

VBSELECT - Data structure for SM13

VBSELKEY - Structure to transfer VBKEYs to SM13

VBSET - Document Segment for Taxes Document Parking

VBSI - Update Structure: Hedges

VBSIANF - **Caution! Do not use. Will be deleted!!

VBSIP - Index of Duplicated Vendor Documents (Insert, Delete)

VBSIZU - Update Structure: Hedge Allocations

VBSK - Collective Processing for a Sales Document Header

VBSKD - Collective Run Dynamic Part

VBSKF - SD Document Collective Run Header - Billing Document

VBSKFO - VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'F'

VBSKG - SD Document Collective Run Revenue Recognition

VBSKGO - VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'G'

VBSKL - SD Document Collective Run Header - Deliveries

VBSKLO - VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'L'

VBSKR - SD Document Collective Run Header - Invoice List

VBSKRO - VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'R'

VBSKS - SD Document Collective Run Header - Cancellation

VBSKSO - VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'S'

VBSKVB - Reference Structure for XVBSK

VBSKW - SD Document Collective Run Header - Collective Run Type = W

VBSKWO - VBSK-Display for Collective Run Type 'W'

VBSN - Change status relating to scheduling agreements

VBSND - Dynamic division: Change status

VBSNVB - Reference structure for XVBSN/YVBSN

VBSP - SD Document Item for Models of Material Structures

VBSS - Collective Processing: Sales Documents

VBSSF - SD Documents for Billing Document Collective Run

VBSSFO - VBSS-Display for Collective Run Type 'F'

VBSSO - VBSS-Display for Collective Run Types not 'F'

VBSSSK - Generated Table for View

VBSSUK - Generated Table for View

VBSTA - Sales Document Statistics

VBSTAT - Update statistics

VBSTAT_WWW - Status Information for SD Orders

VBSTT - Sales Document Status Texts

VBSUPCON - Confirmation Data Vendor Consignment Goods

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