Details |
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MANDT table field - Client
Description: Client Field Name: MANDT Data Element: MANDT Data Type: CLNT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MANDT MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MANDT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLNTY table field - Task List Type
Description: Task List Type Field Name: PLNTY Data Element: PLNTY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PLNTY MemoryID: PTY AppClass: CP SHLP: H_TCA01 SHLP Field: PLNTY ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PLNTY
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLNNR table field - Key for Task List Group
Description: Key for Task List Group Field Name: PLNNR Data Element: PLNNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: PLNNR MemoryID: PLN AppClass: CP SHLP: PLKS SHLP Field: PLNNR ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field PLNNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLNKN table field - Number of the Task List Node
Description: Number of the Task List Node Field Name: PLNKN Data Element: PLNKN Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: KNTNR MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PLNKN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KZEINSTELL table field - Characteristic Type
Description: Characteristic Type Field Name: KZEINSTELL Data Element: QKZEINSTMK Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZEINSTMK MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KZEINSTELL
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MERKNR table field - Inspection Characteristic Number
Description: Inspection Characteristic Number Field Name: MERKNR Data Element: QMERKNRP Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QMERKNRP MemoryID: QCHAR AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MERKNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-ZUORDNR table field - Number for Dependent Characteristic Specifications
Description: Number for Dependent Characteristic Specifications Field Name: ZUORDNR Data Element: QZUORDNR Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QZUORDNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ZUORDNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-ZAEHL table field - Internal counter
Description: Internal counter Field Name: ZAEHL Data Element: CIM_COUNT Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CIM_COUNT MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ZAEHL
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GUELTIGAB table field - Valid-From Date
Description: Valid-From Date Field Name: GUELTIGAB Data Element: DATUV Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GUELTIGAB
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-SERNV table field - Technical status from
Description: Technical status from Field Name: SERNV Data Element: TECHV Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TECHS MemoryID: AppClass: CS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SERNV
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MATNR table field - Material Number of the Dependent Characteristic Specs
Description: Material Number of the Dependent Characteristic Specs Field Name: MATNR Data Element: QMATNR_D Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: MARA Conversion Routine: MATN1 Domain Name: MATNR MemoryID: MAT AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: MATN1 See all SAP tables containing field MATNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-WERKS table field - Plant
Description: Plant Field Name: WERKS Data Element: WERKS_D Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERKS MemoryID: WRK AppClass: MG SHLP: H_T001W_C SHLP Field: WERKS ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field WERKS
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLNAL table field - Group Counter
Description: Group Counter Field Name: PLNAL Data Element: PLNAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: ALTNR MemoryID: PAL AppClass: CS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field PLNAL
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-DATUV table field - Valid-from date
Description: Valid-from date Field Name: DATUV Data Element: CIM_DATE Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DATUV
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-ZKRIZ table field - Counter for Additional Criteria
Description: Counter for Additional Criteria Field Name: ZKRIZ Data Element: DZKRIZ Data Type: length (Dec): 0(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ZKRIZ
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-LOEKZ table field - Deletion Indicator
Description: Deletion Indicator Field Name: LOEKZ Data Element: LKENZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field LOEKZ
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PARKZ table field - Indicator: inactive changes
Description: Indicator: inactive changes Field Name: PARKZ Data Element: PARKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: XFELD MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PARKZ
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AENDERGNR table field - Change Number
Description: Change Number Field Name: AENDERGNR Data Element: AENNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: AENNR MemoryID: AEN AppClass: CS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field AENDERGNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-ERSTELLER table field - User who created record
Description: User who created record Field Name: ERSTELLER Data Element: ANNAM Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: USNAM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ERSTELLER
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-ERSTELLDAT table field - System Date on Which Data Record Was Created
Description: System Date on Which Data Record Was Created Field Name: ERSTELLDAT Data Element: QDATUMERST Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ERSTELLDAT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AENDERER table field - Name of User Who Last Changed Data Record
Description: Name of User Who Last Changed Data Record Field Name: AENDERER Data Element: QAENDERER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QAENDERER MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AENDERER
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AENDERDAT table field - System Date on Which Data Record Was Changed
Description: System Date on Which Data Record Was Changed Field Name: AENDERDAT Data Element: QDATUMAEND Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AENDERDAT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLERANZSL table field - Tolerance Key
Description: Tolerance Key Field Name: TOLERANZSL Data Element: QTOLERANZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: TQ29 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QTOLERANZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLERANZSL
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-STELLEN table field - Number of Places to the Right of a Decimal Point (Accuracy)
Description: Number of Places to the Right of a Decimal Point (Accuracy) Field Name: STELLEN Data Element: QSTELLEN Data Type: INT1 length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSTELLEN MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field STELLEN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MASSEINHSW table field - Unit of Measurement in Which Quantitative Data Is Stored
Description: Unit of Measurement in Which Quantitative Data Is Stored Field Name: MASSEINHSW Data Element: QMASSEH Data Type: UNIT length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: T006 Conversion Routine: CUNIT Domain Name: MEINS MemoryID: AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: CUNIT See all SAP tables containing field MASSEINHSW
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-SOLLWERT table field - Target Value for a Quantitative Characteristic
Description: Target Value for a Quantitative Characteristic Field Name: SOLLWERT Data Element: QSOLLWERTE Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SOLLWERT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-SOLLWNI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: SOLLWNI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SOLLWNI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLERANZOB table field - Upper Specification Limit
Description: Upper Specification Limit Field Name: TOLERANZOB Data Element: QTOLOB Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLERANZOB
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLOBNI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: TOLOBNI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLOBNI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLERANZUN table field - Lower Specification Limit
Description: Lower Specification Limit Field Name: TOLERANZUN Data Element: QTOLUN Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLERANZUN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLUNNI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: TOLUNNI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLUNNI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KLASANZAHL table field - Number of Value Classes for Inspection Results
Description: Number of Value Classes for Inspection Results Field Name: KLASANZAHL Data Element: QKLASSZAHL Data Type: INT1 length (Dec): 3(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKLASSZAHL MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KLASANZAHL
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KLASBREITE table field - Class Width
Description: Class Width Field Name: KLASBREITE Data Element: QKLASSBR Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KLASBREITE
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KLASBRNI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: KLASBRNI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KLASBRNI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KLASMITTE table field - Class Midpoint
Description: Class Midpoint Field Name: KLASMITTE Data Element: QKLASSMIT Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KLASMITTE
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KLASMINI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: KLASMINI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KLASMINI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GRENZEOB1 table field - First Upper Specification Limit
Description: First Upper Specification Limit Field Name: GRENZEOB1 Data Element: QGRENZOB1 Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GRENZEOB1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GRENZOB1NI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: GRENZOB1NI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GRENZOB1NI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GRENZEUN1 table field - First Lower Specification Limit
Description: First Lower Specification Limit Field Name: GRENZEUN1 Data Element: QGRENZUN1 Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GRENZEUN1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GRENZUN1NI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: GRENZUN1NI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GRENZUN1NI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GRENZEOB2 table field - Second Upper Specification Limit
Description: Second Upper Specification Limit Field Name: GRENZEOB2 Data Element: QGRENZOB2 Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GRENZEOB2
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GRENZOB2NI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: GRENZOB2NI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GRENZOB2NI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GRENZEUN2 table field - Second Lower Specification Limit
Description: Second Lower Specification Limit Field Name: GRENZEUN2 Data Element: QGRENZUN2 Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GRENZEUN2
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-GRENZUN2NI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: GRENZUN2NI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field GRENZUN2NI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLAUSIOBEN table field - Upper Plausibility Limit
Description: Upper Plausibility Limit Field Name: PLAUSIOBEN Data Element: QPLAUSIOB Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PLAUSIOBEN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLAUSIOBNI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: PLAUSIOBNI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PLAUSIOBNI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLAUSIUNTE table field - Lower Plausibility Limit
Description: Lower Plausibility Limit Field Name: PLAUSIUNTE Data Element: QPLAUSIUN Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PLAUSIUNTE
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLAUSIUNNI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: PLAUSIUNNI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PLAUSIUNNI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLERWEIOB table field - Change to Upper Specification Limit
Description: Change to Upper Specification Limit Field Name: TOLERWEIOB Data Element: QTOLWOB Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLERWEIOB
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLWOBNI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: TOLWOBNI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLWOBNI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLERWEIUN table field - Change to Lower Specification Limit
Description: Change to Lower Specification Limit Field Name: TOLERWEIUN Data Element: QTOLWUN Data Type: FLTP length (Dec): 16(16) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QSOLLWERTE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLERWEIUN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLWUNNI table field - Value Not Initial if Set
Description: Value Not Initial if Set Field Name: TOLWUNNI Data Element: QNINITIAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLWUNNI
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLERWAB table field - Valid-From Date
Description: Valid-From Date Field Name: TOLERWAB Data Element: DATUV Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLERWAB
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLERWBIS table field - Valid-to date
Description: Valid-to date Field Name: TOLERWBIS Data Element: DATUB Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLERWBIS
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-CODEGR9U table field - Defect Code Group for Rejection at Lower Tolerance
Description: Defect Code Group for Rejection at Lower Tolerance Field Name: CODEGR9U Data Element: QCODEGRPU Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCODEGRP MemoryID: CGP AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CODEGR9U
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-CODE9U table field - Defect Code for Rejection at Lower Specification Limit
Description: Defect Code for Rejection at Lower Specification Limit Field Name: CODE9U Data Element: QCODEU Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCODE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CODE9U
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-CODEVR9U table field - Version Number
Description: Version Number Field Name: CODEVR9U Data Element: QVERSNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: QVERSNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field CODEVR9U
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-CODEGR9O table field - Defect Code Group for Rejection at Upper Tolerance
Description: Defect Code Group for Rejection at Upper Tolerance Field Name: CODEGR9O Data Element: QCODEGRPO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCODEGRP MemoryID: CGP AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CODEGR9O
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-CODE9O table field - Defect Code for Rejection at Upper Specification Limit
Description: Defect Code for Rejection at Upper Specification Limit Field Name: CODE9O Data Element: QCODEO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCODE MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field CODE9O
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-CODEVR9O table field - Version Number
Description: Version Number Field Name: CODEVR9O Data Element: QVERSNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: QVERSNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field CODEVR9O
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATAB1 table field - Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set
Description: Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set Field Name: KATAB1 Data Element: QKTTAB Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKTTAB MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATAB1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATALGART1 table field - Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: KATALGART1 Data Element: QKATAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: TQ15 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKATART MemoryID: QKT AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATALGART1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMENGE1 table field - Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMENGE1 Data Element: QCGRAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCGRAUSW MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMENGE1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMGWRK1 table field - Plant of the Assigned Selected Set
Description: Plant of the Assigned Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMGWRK1 Data Element: QWERKAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T001W Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERKS MemoryID: WRK AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMGWRK1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWVERS1 table field - Version Number
Description: Version Number Field Name: AUSWVERS1 Data Element: QVERSNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: QVERSNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field AUSWVERS1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWDAT1 table field - Key Date for Version Selection
Description: Key Date for Version Selection Field Name: AUSWDAT1 Data Element: QVERSDAT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWDAT1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATAB2 table field - Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set
Description: Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set Field Name: KATAB2 Data Element: QKTTAB Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKTTAB MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATAB2
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATALGART2 table field - Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: KATALGART2 Data Element: QKATAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: TQ15 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKATART MemoryID: QKT AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATALGART2
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMENGE2 table field - Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMENGE2 Data Element: QCGRAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCGRAUSW MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMENGE2
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMGWRK2 table field - Plant of the Assigned Selected Set
Description: Plant of the Assigned Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMGWRK2 Data Element: QWERKAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T001W Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERKS MemoryID: WRK AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMGWRK2
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWVERS2 table field - Version Number
Description: Version Number Field Name: AUSWVERS2 Data Element: QVERSNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: QVERSNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field AUSWVERS2
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWDAT2 table field - Key Date for Version Selection
Description: Key Date for Version Selection Field Name: AUSWDAT2 Data Element: QVERSDAT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWDAT2
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATAB3 table field - Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set
Description: Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set Field Name: KATAB3 Data Element: QKTTAB Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKTTAB MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATAB3
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATALGART3 table field - Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: KATALGART3 Data Element: QKATAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: TQ15 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKATART MemoryID: QKT AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATALGART3
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMENGE3 table field - Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMENGE3 Data Element: QCGRAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCGRAUSW MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMENGE3
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMGWRK3 table field - Plant of the Assigned Selected Set
Description: Plant of the Assigned Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMGWRK3 Data Element: QWERKAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T001W Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERKS MemoryID: WRK AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMGWRK3
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWVERS3 table field - Version Number
Description: Version Number Field Name: AUSWVERS3 Data Element: QVERSNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: QVERSNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field AUSWVERS3
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWDAT3 table field - Key Date for Version Selection
Description: Key Date for Version Selection Field Name: AUSWDAT3 Data Element: QVERSDAT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWDAT3
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATAB4 table field - Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set
Description: Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set Field Name: KATAB4 Data Element: QKTTAB Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKTTAB MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATAB4
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATALGART4 table field - Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: KATALGART4 Data Element: QKATAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: TQ15 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKATART MemoryID: QKT AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATALGART4
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMENGE4 table field - Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMENGE4 Data Element: QCGRAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCGRAUSW MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMENGE4
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMGWRK4 table field - Plant of the Assigned Selected Set
Description: Plant of the Assigned Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMGWRK4 Data Element: QWERKAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T001W Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERKS MemoryID: WRK AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMGWRK4
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWVERS4 table field - Version Number
Description: Version Number Field Name: AUSWVERS4 Data Element: QVERSNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: QVERSNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field AUSWVERS4
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWDAT4 table field - Key Date for Version Selection
Description: Key Date for Version Selection Field Name: AUSWDAT4 Data Element: QVERSDAT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWDAT4
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATAB5 table field - Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set
Description: Catalog Entry Is a Selected Set Field Name: KATAB5 Data Element: QKTTAB Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKTTAB MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATAB5
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KATALGART5 table field - Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Catalog Type of Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: KATALGART5 Data Element: QKATAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: TQ15 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKATART MemoryID: QKT AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KATALGART5
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMENGE5 table field - Assigned Code Group or Selected Set
Description: Assigned Code Group or Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMENGE5 Data Element: QCGRAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QCGRAUSW MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMENGE5
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWMGWRK5 table field - Plant of the Assigned Selected Set
Description: Plant of the Assigned Selected Set Field Name: AUSWMGWRK5 Data Element: QWERKAUSW Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: T001W Conversion Routine: Domain Name: WERKS MemoryID: WRK AppClass: MG SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWMGWRK5
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWVERS5 table field - Version Number
Description: Version Number Field Name: AUSWVERS5 Data Element: QVERSNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: QVERSNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field AUSWVERS5
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSWDAT5 table field - Key Date for Version Selection
Description: Key Date for Version Selection Field Name: AUSWDAT5 Data Element: QVERSDAT Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSWDAT5
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-DUMMY10 table field - Text Line for Additional Information
Description: Text Line for Additional Information Field Name: DUMMY10 Data Element: QTXT10 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QTXT10 MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DUMMY10
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-DUMMY20 table field - Text Line for Additional Information
Description: Text Line for Additional Information Field Name: DUMMY20 Data Element: QTXT20 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QTXT20 MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DUMMY20
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-DUMMY40 table field - Text Line for Additional Information
Description: Text Line for Additional Information Field Name: DUMMY40 Data Element: QTXT40 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QTXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DUMMY40
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PZLFH table field - Assigned Test Equipment
Description: Assigned Test Equipment Field Name: PZLFH Data Element: QPZLFH Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PZLFH MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PZLFH
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MS_REF table field - Reference for Standard Specifications
Description: Reference for Standard Specifications Field Name: MS_REF Data Element: QKZ_MS_REF Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MS_REF
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VALID_TO_ON_DB table field - Valid-to date
Description: Valid-to date Field Name: VALID_TO_ON_DB Data Element: DATUB Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field VALID_TO_ON_DB
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VERSN table field - Routing Version
Description: Routing Version Field Name: VERSN Data Element: PLNVERSN Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: PLNVERSN MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field VERSN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VERSN_SOURCE table field - Source Routing Version
Description: Source Routing Version Field Name: VERSN_SOURCE Data Element: PLNVERSN_SOURCE_VERSN Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: PLNVERSN MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field VERSN_SOURCE
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VERSN_SOURCE_PLNKN table field - Task List Version: Number of source list node
Description: Task List Version: Number of source list node Field Name: VERSN_SOURCE_PLNKN Data Element: PLNVERSN_SOURCE_PLNKN Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: KNTNR MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field VERSN_SOURCE_PLNKN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VERSN_SOURCE_MERKNR table field - Task List Version: Souce Inspection Characteristic Number
Description: Task List Version: Souce Inspection Characteristic Number Field Name: VERSN_SOURCE_MERKNR Data Element: PLNVERSN_SOURCE_MERKNR Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QMERKNRP MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field VERSN_SOURCE_MERKNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VERSN_SOURCE_ZUORDNR table field - Task List Version: Source No. Dependent Characteristic Spec.
Description: Task List Version: Source No. Dependent Characteristic Spec. Field Name: VERSN_SOURCE_ZUORDNR Data Element: PLNVERSN_SOURCE_ZUORDNR Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QZUORDNR MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field VERSN_SOURCE_ZUORDNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-DUMMY_PLMW_INCL_EEW_PS table field - Dummy function in length 1
Description: Dummy function in length 1 Field Name: DUMMY_PLMW_INCL_EEW_PS Data Element: DUMMY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DUMMY MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DUMMY_PLMW_INCL_EEW_PS
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PLNFL table field - Sequence
Description: Sequence Field Name: PLNFL Data Element: PLNFOLGE Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 6(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: PLNFOLGE MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field PLNFL
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VORNR table field - Operation/Activity Number
Description: Operation/Activity Number Field Name: VORNR Data Element: VORNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: NUMCV Domain Name: VORNR MemoryID: VGN AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: NUMCV See all SAP tables containing field VORNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VPLTY table field - Type of the referenced task list
Description: Type of the referenced task list Field Name: VPLTY Data Element: VPLNTY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PLNTY MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field VPLTY
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VPLNR table field - Group of the referenced task list
Description: Group of the referenced task list Field Name: VPLNR Data Element: VPLNNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: PLNNR MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field VPLNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VPLAL table field - Group counter of the referenced task list
Description: Group counter of the referenced task list Field Name: VPLAL Data Element: VPLNAL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: ALTNR MemoryID: AppClass: CS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field VPLAL
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-IDENT table field - Operation ID
Description: Operation ID Field Name: IDENT Data Element: OPRID Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR8 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field IDENT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-IDENT_REF table field - Operation ID of the referenced operation
Description: Operation ID of the referenced operation Field Name: IDENT_REF Data Element: OPR_REFID Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR8 MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field IDENT_REF
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-HERKUNFT table field - Origin of an operation
Description: Origin of an operation Field Name: HERKUNFT Data Element: OPR_HER Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: OPR_HER MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field HERKUNFT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-LIFNR table field - Vendor's account number
Description: Vendor's account number Field Name: LIFNR Data Element: ELIFN Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: LIFNR MemoryID: LIF AppClass: FB SHLP: KRED_C SHLP Field: LIFNR ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field LIFNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KUNR table field - Account number of customer
Description: Account number of customer Field Name: KUNR Data Element: EKUNN Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: KUNNR MemoryID: KUN AppClass: V SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field KUNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-DATUB table field - Valid-to date
Description: Valid-to date Field Name: DATUB Data Element: DATUB Data Type: DATS length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: DATUM MemoryID: AppClass: TEST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DATUB
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AENNR_AUS table field - Change Number
Description: Change Number Field Name: AENNR_AUS Data Element: AENNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 12(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: AENNR MemoryID: AEN AppClass: CS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field AENNR_AUS
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PSNFH table field - Item Number for Production Resource/Tool
Description: Item Number for Production Resource/Tool Field Name: PSNFH Data Element: PSNFH Data Type: NUMC length (Dec): 4(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: PSNFH MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PSNFH
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-FHMNR table field - Production resource/tool number
Description: Production resource/tool number Field Name: FHMNR Data Element: FHMNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: FHMNR MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FHMNR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-QUANTITAT table field - Quantitative Characteristic
Description: Quantitative Characteristic Field Name: QUANTITAT Data Element: QKZQUNMK Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field QUANTITAT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MESSWERTE table field - Measured Values Must Be Recorded
Description: Measured Values Must Be Recorded Field Name: MESSWERTE Data Element: QKZQUMK Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MESSWERTE
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PRUEFKAT table field - Reference to Characteristic Attribute Required
Description: Reference to Characteristic Attribute Required Field Name: PRUEFKAT Data Element: QKZPKAT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PRUEFKAT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLEROBEN table field - Upper Specification Limit
Description: Upper Specification Limit Field Name: TOLEROBEN Data Element: QKZTOLOB Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLEROBEN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TOLERUNTEN table field - Lower Specification Limit
Description: Lower Specification Limit Field Name: TOLERUNTEN Data Element: QKZTOLUN Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TOLERUNTEN
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-SOLLPRUEF table field - Check Target Value
Description: Check Target Value Field Name: SOLLPRUEF Data Element: QKZSOLLPR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SOLLPRUEF
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PUMFKZ table field - Inspection Scope
Description: Inspection Scope Field Name: PUMFKZ Data Element: QPUMFKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QPUMFKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PUMFKZ
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-LZEITKZ table field - Long-Term Inspection
Description: Long-Term Inspection Field Name: LZEITKZ Data Element: QLZEITKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field LZEITKZ
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-ESTUKZ table field - Recording Type
Description: Recording Type Field Name: ESTUKZ Data Element: QESTUKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QESTUKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ESTUKZ
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-DOKUKZ table field - Documentation Required for Inspection Results
Description: Documentation Required for Inspection Results Field Name: DOKUKZ Data Element: QDOKUKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QDOKUKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DOKUKZ
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-RZWANG table field - Characteristic Category
Description: Characteristic Category Field Name: RZWANG Data Element: QRZWANG Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QRZWANG MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field RZWANG
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-SYNCRO table field - Synchronization is Active
Description: Synchronization is Active Field Name: SYNCRO Data Element: QSYNCRO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SYNCRO
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-ADDPRO table field - Inspection Sample Quantity Is Added
Description: Inspection Sample Quantity Is Added Field Name: ADDPRO Data Element: QADDPRO Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ADDPRO
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-ZERSTPRF table field - Destructive Inspection
Description: Destructive Inspection Field Name: ZERSTPRF Data Element: QKZDESTROY Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field ZERSTPRF
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-FORMELMK table field - Calculated Characteristic
Description: Calculated Characteristic Field Name: FORMELMK Data Element: QKZFORMEL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZFORMEL MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FORMELMK
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-STICHPR table field - Sampling Procedure Is Required
Description: Sampling Procedure Is Required Field Name: STICHPR Data Element: QSTICHPR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field STICHPR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AUSSLOS table field - Characteristic Relevant for Quality Score and Scrap Share
Description: Characteristic Relevant for Quality Score and Scrap Share Field Name: AUSSLOS Data Element: QAUSSLOS Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AUSSLOS
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-FIXIERT table field - Default Control Indicators Cannot Be Changed
Description: Default Control Indicators Cannot Be Changed Field Name: FIXIERT Data Element: QNAENDKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FIXIERT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-BEWFHLZHL table field - Recording the Number of Defects
Description: Recording the Number of Defects Field Name: BEWFHLZHL Data Element: QBFHLZHL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field BEWFHLZHL
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-LSTKZ table field - Control Characteristics Results - QM Subsystem
Description: Control Characteristics Results - QM Subsystem Field Name: LSTKZ Data Element: QLEITSTKZ Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field LSTKZ
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VORGAEND table field - Specifications Can Be Changed
Description: Specifications Can Be Changed Field Name: VORGAEND Data Element: QVORGAEND Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field VORGAEND
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PMMZWANG table field - Assignment of Test Equipment Required
Description: Assignment of Test Equipment Required Field Name: PMMZWANG Data Element: QPMZWANG Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PMMZWANG
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-FEHLREC table field - Defects Recording Automatically Called Up
Description: Defects Recording Automatically Called Up Field Name: FEHLREC Data Element: QFEHLREC Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FEHLREC
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-AENDBELEG table field - Create Change Documents During Results Recording
Description: Create Change Documents During Results Recording Field Name: AENDBELEG Data Element: QKZAENBEL Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field AENDBELEG
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-QSPCMK table field - SPC Characteristic
Description: SPC Characteristic Field Name: QSPCMK Data Element: QSPCMK Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field QSPCMK
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KEINDRUCK table field - Print
Description: Print Field Name: KEINDRUCK Data Element: QDRUCK1 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QDRUCK1 MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KEINDRUCK
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PARA table field - Control Indicator 'Parameter Characteristic' Set/Not Set
Description: Control Indicator 'Parameter Characteristic' Set/Not Set Field Name: PARA Data Element: QPARA Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PARA
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-PROCESSMK table field - Process Characteristic
Description: Process Characteristic Field Name: PROCESSMK Data Element: QKZPROCCHAR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field PROCESSMK
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-QPMK_REF table field - Reference to Master Insp. Characteristic in Task List
Description: Reference to Master Insp. Characteristic in Task List Field Name: QPMK_REF Data Element: QKZ_REF Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKZ MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field QPMK_REF
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-VERWMERKM table field - Master Inspection Characteristic
Description: Master Inspection Characteristic Field Name: VERWMERKM Data Element: QMERKNR Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 8(0) Check table: * Conversion Routine: ALPHA Domain Name: QMERKNR MemoryID: PMK AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: ALPHA See all SAP tables containing field VERWMERKM
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-KURZTEXT table field - Short Text for Inspection Characteristic
Description: Short Text for Inspection Characteristic Field Name: KURZTEXT Data Element: QTXT_CHA Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: QKURZTEXT MemoryID: AppClass: QSS SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field KURZTEXT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MAKTX table field - Material Description
Description: Material Description Field Name: MAKTX Data Element: MAKTX Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MAKTX
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-NAME1_VENDOR table field - Name 1
Description: Name 1 Field Name: NAME1_VENDOR Data Element: NAME1_GP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 35(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: NAME MemoryID: AppClass: VP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NAME1_VENDOR
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-NAME1_CUSTOMER table field - Name 1
Description: Name 1 Field Name: NAME1_CUSTOMER Data Element: NAME1_GP Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 35(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: NAME MemoryID: AppClass: VP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field NAME1_CUSTOMER
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-TXTZ1 table field - First Line of Text for Production Resources/Tools
Description: First Line of Text for Production Resources/Tools Field Name: TXTZ1 Data Element: TXTZ1 Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 40(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: TEXT40 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field TXTZ1
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-FLG_LOCK table field - Inspection Characteristic Is Locked
Description: Inspection Characteristic Is Locked Field Name: FLG_LOCK Data Element: CHA_LOCK Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: FLAG MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field FLG_LOCK
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-HANDLE table field - Internal ID of an object
Description: Internal ID of an object Field Name: HANDLE Data Element: HANDLE Data Type: INT4 length (Dec): 10(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: OBZAE MemoryID: AppClass: INST SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field HANDLE
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-SUCHFELD table field - Search Field for Customer-Specific Task List Selection
Description: Search Field for Customer-Specific Task List Selection Field Name: SUCHFELD Data Element: QSUCHFELD Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 20(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: CHAR20 MemoryID: AppClass: SAP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field SUCHFELD
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MS_OBJECT table field - Object for Multiple Specifications
Description: Object for Multiple Specifications Field Name: MS_OBJECT Data Element: Q_MS_OBJECT Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 30(0) Check table: TQMS2 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: Q_MS_OBJECT MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MS_OBJECT
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-MS_OBJTYPE table field - Type of Object for Multiple Specifications
Description: Type of Object for Multiple Specifications Field Name: MS_OBJTYPE Data Element: Q_MS_OBJTYPE Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 2(0) Check table: TQMS1 Conversion Routine: Domain Name: Q_MS_OBJTYPE MemoryID: AppClass: SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field MS_OBJTYPE
/PLMB/S_RTG_CHV_BO-DELETED_BY_PARAM_ECN table field - General Flag
Description: General Flag Field Name: DELETED_BY_PARAM_ECN Data Element: /PLMB/FLAG Data Type: CHAR length (Dec): 1(0) Check table: Conversion Routine: Domain Name: FLAG MemoryID: AppClass: CP SHLP: SHLP Field: ConvExit: See all SAP tables containing field DELETED_BY_PARAM_ECN